How bad can it get?

I will tell you how bad it gets. Last night I watched some dog show. It was something called Westminster or something like that. I mean I don’t even like dogs. So since I don’t like dogs, I couldn’t get myself to root for a dog so I had to root against a few. For instance, I hate poodles. Those aren’t dogs in my opinion. A dog is a beagle or a blue tick or some other hound. All the rest are foo foo dogs and I don’t like them. Here is a real dog:

So there I was watching a dog show and out comes, you guessed it, a poodle. The hair stood up on the back of my neck as it pranced around and shook its fuzzy little tail. That was my number one pick for last place. No doubt it had to be last. This isn’t that poodle but you get the picture.

I am happy to say that the hounds did well and the winner was some kind of short legged spaniel that I have never seen before. I think his name was stumpy or pudgy or some other fitting name. I couldn’t believe that he won but I am glad he did. Here he is:

Now here is the best part about Stumpy winning. He was the oldest dog in the field and was 10 years old. That is 70 in dog years. Along with that, he had a brush with death a few years ago but miraculously recovered. So here is what it boils down to. The top dog for this year is a short, overweight, over 70 year old dog that most of us couldn’t name if we had to. There is hope for my future. And for those of you still wanting Change, here ya go:

Oh I almost forgot. I got an award from Carmen and here it is. Please visit her and read all about it. It is the Friendship award. Thank you so much Carmen. I like to think I am a friend to everyone.

Have a great day,


Angie said…

I never met a dog I didn't like(except for pitbulls on chains). Love that beagle.
Monogram Queen said…
I just do not get the poodle hate. Reilly's grandma was a poodle *pout* (I kid!)
Carmen said…
There IS still hope for your future! Which means all of us can keep enjoying your blog...BONUS for us! BTW, I like the dyed poodle, but only cos it makes me laugh. The only 'animals' we have are fish, and I'm pretty sure they don't even count.
Kelly said…
I LOVE MY DOG!!!! He is a Boston Terrier and the most loving, sweet dog ever.

I don't like poodles either, I'll give you that. :-)

p.s. Thanks for the comment today! I don't think anyone wants to pay it forward, I have only 2 takers so far...but about 100 comments from my sister. Is she funny or what.
Jamie Dawn said…
Hooray for that doggie!! 70 and fabulous!
My dad has a total pet peeve about people and their little foo foo dogs. He cracks me up, and it sounds like you might share some of his thinking.

As for change...
spare change is all we and our kids will be left with when Obama and Congress get finished.

Congrats on your award!
I almost posted on Stumpy myself!
Heaven said…
Sounds like you're really into animals this week:)

I read your deer post. Sounds like it was quite the experience! Well, with that said, glad you are o-kay, and glad it was you and not me:) :)~

Have a great week! Heaven
Debbie said…
Although I didn't watch the dog show, I did catch Stumpy on the nightly news. I thought he was a looker.
Skoots1moM said…
Hey, we were watching together, yet apart! was "westminster"...out of NYC...THE dogshow of the year...

I'm with you on that black poodle...i've neve seen that much fluff before.

I was pulling for Sadie the Scottie...she was so regal yet simple...and i'm a sucker for short legs...too cute!

I loved stumpy too! What a story...didn't he look like his coat would feel like velvet...i really wanted to pet him.

i had been watching earlier in the week for some of the preliminaries..i think they chose a few that i wouldn't have chosen.
overall though, it was a good show...beat a lot of the other stuff on the telly
Edie said…
All those people that want change are looking for just that kind of change. LOL!

Ok, I'm not a big fan of poodles but THAT was a Standard Poodle. They are big dogs and actually pretty good dogs too. I kept my friend's one time when he was in the process of moving. My dog even fell in love with "the Poodle" as I used to call him.

Anyway, I'm an animal lover and that includes dogs. Funny that you decided to watch the dog show.
you know, they have this thing called a remote control that let's you change the channel if there's something on you don't like. But then again, we wouldn't have gotten this great, entertaining post if you'd have done that. :)
Patience said…
Congrats on your award!

I like real dogs, not those fuzzy, nippy, shakes-all-over, constantly-peeing fake dogs.
I don't like little yappy, foo-foo dogs either, I like the big dogs.

Congrats on your award!
B His Girl said…
Oh, there is hope for all of us. I haven't heard about Stump's brush with death. I love Spaniels. Perhaps you have seen my pooch on the B log. Bandit, a springer spaniel. On Turtle Tuesday I almost shared a story about me asking God when He changed my life why He didn't turn my hair purple or something. Then everyone would know something happened to me. That He REALLY touched me in my family room. I felt God lead me to you blog this morning. After seeing the rainbow dog I know why he wants the colors to show in a different way. LOL! God was having fun with me this morning through your blog. Oh, how I love Him! I know I am crazy...crazy for Him. Blessing to you. B
Beverlydru said…
Fun post. We have big manly dogs- except they're females. LOL. We have labs. My husband doesn't like poodles either. But we were in Deerfield Beach last year & saw a big prancy fancy poofy poodle and he said "Look- a deer dog!" As in Deerfield. Ugh.
Sharon said…
Hmmm, I LOVE all animals, all dogs!
They all have there own little personalty. I saw about the winning dog on the news, So glad he got to do one last show.
have a great weekend
Peggy said…

Loved your take on the dog show. I loved the dog that won (Ok, I love dogs) But I loved your reasoning for liking him...there's is hope for us all!
Scarlet said…
You might not be a dog's fest friend, but you're a good pal to us.

I'm not into poodles either but that colorful one is hilarious!!

You are too funny. I'd vote for you in a heartbeat if you entered a contest.
sandy said…
What a cute photo of Stumpy. I read about his comeback, so cool. I had a poodle growing up, and he was a black standard and the coolest guy in town. We didn't cut him hair all foo foo and this guy would climb up swim slide, right up the ladder and go down along with the rest of the kids. He came to a sad end though.
My ADHD Me said…
The tv station put that dog show on instead of my usual House repeat.

Quite annoying.
Becky said…
Poodles are awesome dogs... very smart. When they are clipped short all over the look like a lab... are they real? They hunt.

You are too funny as usual. That techni-colored pooch is too much. I like mine all pink ...just a dusting ;-)
Marla said…
I never liked dogs much, but my hubby loved them. I do like my dog now. I have to , it's Rocky and me now.

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