It’s almost here.

Well tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I would just like to say;

We have been together through good times and bad and I am happy to say that most of the times were good. We got off to a rocky start though when I tried to kill her by pulling her skiing across an oyster bar. She recovered though and was able to limp to her bridal shower.

And only a short time later, she was healed enough to put her shoes on so that we could get married. I thought for a while that she would have to go barefoot at our wedding. Don't we make a great looking couple?

This is inside Noah's house. (from the Notebook movie)

Over the years, I wasn’t always the best husband but I did manage to kill a few snakes for her. We found this one in our back yard.

She always impressed me with her ability to play sports. She could hit a softball further than anyone I know and she still plays tennis. Of course she had the best softball coach ever which didn't hurt.

She stood beside me though my Navy years and supported me every time I reenlisted and when I decided to retire.

She didn’t complain when I bought her that cast net for her birthday although she never let me forget it either. (Bad choice guys if you are considering this) And I really don’t think that women want anything like this for Valentine’s Day either:

However since I mentioned Teddies, there is that place in the mall that specializes in them and that’s no “SECRET”.(wink wink). :)

Happy Valentine’s Day Honey.



Diane is very lucky to have you in her life. I hope the two of you have a Happy Valetine's Day :)
Kelly said…
You romantic devil. What a sweet husband you are; and a lucky man to have a wife like that.

Kelly said…
p.s. are you getting her a squirrel for Valentines?
Monogram Queen said…
Awwww what a precious tribute!
Diane - you've got a keeper there, girl!
Happy Happy Valentines Day, Diane and Greg!
Edie said…
Aw that was so sweet. You're off to a good start Greg. If you decide to name a squirrel after her just be sure you have something really great to back it up with. :)

Happy Valentines Day both of you. I think that Diane should do the after Valentines Day post and give us the rundown from her perspective. :)
Angie said…
Awww, what a good hubby. I know we would all love Diane after knowing you!
Angie said…
p.s. I need to backtrack and see about this squirrel thing. There's gotta be a laugh waiting to happen.
Nice post; that snake gave me a heart attack. If you found that in MY yard, you'd find a "FOR SALE" sign there next.
My ADHD Me said…
The snake was interesting but the tight t-shirt and short shorts .... I know it was the style, but Wahahahahaha

(now don't get offended. I'm not laughing at you, just the style of the times)
Debbie said…
What a nice love letter to your wife!
Aww, that is so sweet Greg. I hope you and Diane have a wonderful day together. Thanks for sharing some of your memories with us.
Anonymous said…
It's funny you say "guys" - aren't most of your readers ladies? :)

Great post! Sounds like you both are very lucky!
So glad you decided against the power tools! Hope you two have a great Valentine's Day weekend. :)
So glad you decided against the power tools! Hope you two have a great Valentine's Day weekend. :)
Oh and the squirrel! How could I forget the squirrel???
B His Girl said…
Ok you love birds....Happy Valentine's Day!
Heaven said…
Thanks Greg for the Valentine Day wish! You have some good ears to hear God's voice:) I really needed to hear that.

I was very impressed with the snake, although it totally gave me shivers up and down my spine...ugh...

It was cool to see the pictures. It's great you have weathered the storms together. Praise God!

I love the hair color change from then to now:)

Biggest Blessings to you and Diane this Valentine's Day!!!! God hugs!
You're a good guy, Greg. That snake is reason enough NOT to live in FL. We just have cute raccoons. Not gators and snakes.
Wanda said…
Oh my, my, my you handsome devil for sure!

How sweet to let us peek in on your Valentine to your wife.

She must be wonderful to put up with a "Kick in the Pants" like you Greg...

Seriously ~~ I think you must be a great husband and father!!!

Gutsy Living said…
Have you noticed? Of course you have. All women here. Where are all the men bloggers? Happy Valentines Day to you and your wife. My husband celebrated last Friday. I thought he got confused with the dates, but he said, he wanted to be different and I tell you, it was the best. I like being spontaneous.
Scarlet said…
Teddies on Valentine's can't go wrong with that. A little Victoria's Secret perfume wouldn't hurt either...and don't forget those YELLOW undies (for good luck!), although the red ones are more appropriate, especially if they have little hearts on them.

Cute post, btw! I love the old photos...and you two make a lovely couple.

Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!!
Peggy said…
Greg, you are a romantic devil. You and Diane look so cute together. I think that I would love you too if you had killed that sanke in my yard....yikes!
Kim S in SC said…
What a sweet tribute to your wife and your marriage! HAppy Valentine's Day to you both!
Marla said…
You two make a great couple. Hope you had a good day together.
sandy said…
Great post and fun seeing the pics. What a great looking couple you are there in those pics!
Beverlydru said…
I enjoyed the photo journey and loved "meeting" Diane. Ouch at the thought of skiing over an oster bed. Double ouch!
Susan Skitt said…
Greg, this is so sweet. I loved the pictures. Your wife is my kind of gal. I'm a softball girl too!

Take care!

In Christ,

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