Hee Haw, what a day!!!

It’s been an exasperating day. And it isn’t even half over yet.

Today started out like any other day but by the time I got to work, I was ready to chew glass. It must be “See how close you can follow Greg day” or something like that because no matter which road I was on, someone was right on my bumper. Now I don’t mind if people do that and then pass at the first opportunity but these people had lots of time to pass they just wanted to get up close and personal and blind me with their headlights. So in an effort to shake one relentless tailgater, I made a quick stop at a local gas station. I figured I could shake this fool and get a nice cup of coffee to calm my nerves.

So I got to the coffee counter and poured a nice big cup of Joe and then started looking around for the creamer. There in front of me was a big sign on the cream dispenser saying; Sorry out of order. No biggie, I can always use those little tiny tubs of creamer. Well guess what. Those were all gone. But wait, I have a third backup. So I reach for the dry, non dairy creamer but my hand brushed my cup and splash, there it goes all over the counter. I looked over at the checkout counter for help but there were 10 people in line and only one person working so I took all the napkins and wiped it up as best as I could. I didn’t do a very good job because they ran out of napkins and it was a large coffee.

So after paying I headed back on the road with coffee in hand. (Yes I got another cup.) And just as I get back on the road, guess what? Another fool gets right behind me. This one followed me for 10 miles some of which was a 4 lane road so he had no reason not to go around. For the last 5 miles, I slowed down and enjoyed my coffee.

Then I get to work and the day must have changed because now it is “whine day” and everyone is whining about something. By the time 9 o clock rolled around, I am thinking about going postal and I just had to get away. I went for a walk to calm down. I took a stroll around the cooling tower pond and this is what I saw. Needless to say, I am in a better mood after seeing this beauty but I still wanted to vent a little and get it off my chest.

Things have started to get better too and we are going for Chinese at lunch. Watch out all you can eat chicken wings, here I come.

Hope you are having a great day,


Monogram Queen said…
Ah as long as it gets better - that is what matters.
Wanna come share the crazy with me? ~Whee~What~Fun~
The crane(?) was a sign that things will get better. Have a couple of wings for me - YUM!
Skoots1moM said…
is the crane following you?
so glad it's getting better.
Scarlet said…
Beautiful photos. I can see why they brightened up your day.

I hope you enjoy those chicken wing. Take a pic of them if you can...I want to see more birds on here! :)
Kelly said…
Chinese is my favorite. That can make almost any day better! LOL!
Jen said…
My goodness I hate days like that! It really irks me when people follow closely b/c I usually have my van full of kids. And the coffee! oh dear; I probably would have wanted to turn around and go home...enjoy the wings :)
Sounds like you're digging your way out of the morning funk. Now if it had been a turkey you spotted, we might have a different situation.
Sharon said…
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Sharon said…
Hahahahaha it's MONDAY! didn't you get the news bulletin! hahaha
Glad it's getting better for you :) That photo is absolutely beautiful! Look at the Grace of the bird so stunning! You got a wonderful picture Greg.
Sure hope they don't put any msg on them or you will be hitting the water jug later! Enjoy your lunch
Have a beautiful and blessed day
Today is my BlogAversary!! woohoo
Greg you crack me up.. Answer to your question I guess it depends how many times you ran to the fridge for the beverage??

From the look of your day you might be getting the same exercise this evening:) I love the bird photos, so pretty.

Hope you enjoyed lunch..
Chinese for lunch would totally turn my day around.
sandy said…
Greg, too funny...but sorry for your getting started on the wrong foot today, haha. Maybe those whiners are confirming that there is just something "off" today.

Great photos by the way.

See ya later, I'll be off to Arizona (without internet connection, darn).
Terri Tiffany said…
It's got to get better!:)
We have those bird like things walking around our yard now--a sign of summer!
Becky said…
I love birdwatching. What a beauty too. Sorry your day was so rough at the start... hope those chicken wings cheered you right up.
Actully your day did not start like any other day....you did not hit a deer!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Cheer up BFF, it's only monday, it's gonna be a long week!! :)
Peggy said…
Somedays it's almost funny how bad the day can start out... but also how funny when they can turn around on a dime...and a beautiful bird too!
ChrisJ said…
When my husband gets like that I tell him, "The coffee doesn't help!!" Sorry, he doesn't appreciate my comments either!

But the egret is beautiful!
What proof that God is with you! When you have a sucky morning - He sent you that bird to remind you that He is there and beauty surrounds you. How awesome! Another good thing - you saw His hand in it and used it to change your day!
Beverlydru said…
HeeHaw huh? Wasn't that the one where they sang "Gloom, Despair, and agony on me. Deep dark depression, excessive misery...

Such a cheery song - but there are days it fits. Sing until you feel better. : )

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