Just a few more

We have more flowers in bloom. They are blooming faster than I can take photos.

This is a Tunbergia that my sister gave me.

These pansies are a little late but they keep blooming.

One of the two white Iris' bloomed. The other should bloom tomorrow. They have multiple blooms so maybe I can catch them both at the same time.

We were supposed to get rain today but all we got was a lot of wind. That broke the pollen lose and I ended up having an allergy attack. I am inside for the night now. I am praying for rain tomorrow.

Have a great day,


Kelly said…
Hope you get your rain! We have it here.
I'll send you some of our rain. The iris blew me away!
Our rain left this morning so hopefully it's on it's way to you!

Beautiful flowers, BTW!
Scarlet said…
Beautiful flowers! Nice closeups. Sometimes we need the rain. I hope you get some! :)
Oh no! Not your allergies!

Boy, you have it tough. Loving the blooming flowers so much even though you're allergic.

Poses a good question. What do you admire even though it's not good for you?

Thank you for the question! ; )
Skoots1moM said…
Greg's allergy HAIKU...
just for da' fun of it...

Sending you our rain
Calming the pollen, a-choo
Hanky or tissue?

(still lovin' your flower pics...thanks for sharing...i'll be posting some as soon as our rain stops)
sandy said…
oh sorry to hear about the allergy attack.. what a pain that must be for you. I like the pics and pansies are among my favorites.
Edie said…
You have some gorgeous flowers! Hope you get some rain.

Now I'm off to read what I have missed all week. I'll be back in a minute on another post.
Break out the Zyrtec and Kleenex!
Monogram Queen said…
Looks like some storms are on the way which is okay with me. I love a good thunder-boomer. Hope your allergies give you some relief. I know that is tough to deal with!
Beautiful pictures. I hope it rains for you so your allergies get better. I think it rained here last night so maybe it passed by you as well.
Terri Tiffany said…
It looks like summer there!
I read what you wrote on Jan's post and I really think you need to write some stuff and send it in! If you don't, you'll never succeed and be that writer that I know you want to be:) Go to my other blog and submit to some of the places I put on there.
Spring is in the air. I love the beauty of all the flowers. Lots of rain here in NC. Sending it your way:)
fighting like a girl
Beverlydru said…
We are on our third day of rain AND wind. Lots of both. I can hear the grass and bulbs humming under the sound of the wind though!
Wanda said…
You blooms are just stunning!

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