Vacation Plans

I spent most of the weekend working on my income taxes. Now all I have to do is figure out which child I am going to sell to pay what I owe. I kept looking for those new tax breaks but there weren't any. In fact the one new credit that I heard about wasn't as much as expected. I think what really upset me was that final step where you can compare your tax return with the average American return. There are a lot of liars out there. No way do some of you pay that much to charity.

So what does this have to do with Vacation Plans you might ask. Well due to the outcome of my taxes we are going to have to make some changes in our vacation plans. Wow look, more change. We had a number of dream vacation ideas before we got bailed out but it now looks like we may have to step down a little. Here are some places we dreamed of going before all this happened:

Mount Rushmore, San Francisco, Grand Canyon, or possibly even Ireland to return to our roots. Well none of that is going to happen now but we have come up with some suitable substitutes.

Instead of going to Mount Rushmore, we may visit Mount Pleasant. It is just on the other side of the river. There isn't a big mountain there and in fact I don't even know why it has the word Mount in it's name. Maybe we can find out on vacation.

I wanted to go back to San Fran because I once visited there and loved Fisherman's Wharf. So instead of going there, maybe we can go over to the local seafood company and watch them bleach the fish that has started to spoil. That would be interesting and informative.

The Grand Canyon may be out of reach this year but Goose Creek isn't. It is where I work so maybe my family can join me for lunch one day and we will call that a vacation. Sounds fun doesn't it.

Well Ireland is definitely out for this year but all is not lost. We planted some Irish potatoes in our garden. When they come in, we will have a good old fashion potato harvest and experience what it was like growing up in Ireland.

See we can still have fun on a budget.

So what is everyone else doing for vacation this year? I bet you won't have as much fun as we will have. Carolina here we come.

Have a great Sunday,


Greg, Greg, Greg, goodness, what shall we do with you? It just plain stinks, huh?

We are not going on vacation this year either. All our money is being saved for the mission trip. Maybe next year we can do both, but with the wonderful economy, the plans to vacate is a distant memory!
BTW, I would love to go to the Grand Canyon, and actually that was one on the vacation list...maybe we will see you there next year!
You are too funny. We are not leaving the State this year, My son picks the place every year so I think we are headed to Seaworld.
It's new concept called, "Staycation."
Becky said…
We are driving an hour and a half to spend some time camping in some woods that look amazingly similar to the woods we LIVE in but with plumbing :-p The only draw is the big blue lake.

Sorry you had to cancel plans :-(
Debbie said…
I may go ahead and sell two of my kids - that way I can get a head start on this year's taxes.
Edie said…
I'm not even thinking vacation.

I do need to get back to thinking about doing my taxes though. Gee, thanks for the reminder Greg. :)
Mt. Pleasant is beautiful this time of year...if you REALLY stretch things you might be able to get over to Sullivans.

Regarding which kid to just have to let the most expensive one go first!
Scarlet said…
Sounds like you'll have a great time no matter where you go. It's funny, I've always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon and San Francisco. Napa Valley also.

I think we won't be traveling far this year ourselves. Cape Canaveral is a few hours away and we've never been there, so I'm hoping to make it up there before the end of the summer.
Monogram Queen said…
"The best laid plans of mice and men"........

Hey for some great irish fun go downtown to Tommy Condon's!!!!

We are taking our usual week at Oak Island,NC. No fancy schmancy cross-country ventures for US!
Sharon said…
No vacation for us either! We have been working on our backyard, and this is where we shall have our good time at. Maybe some bbq's and having some christian friends over, sounds like fun to us.
Taxes are done here~~ ohhhh yea my hubby fixed the lawn mower soooo good that I had a hard time keeping up with it. the propelled part never worked so good!
Anonymous said…
The only reason we are even getting to go on vacation this year is because my grandfather offered to pay for a condo in Destin for a week. Otherwise we'd be stuck here all summer.

It is tough times all around. And I am afraid with the current administration and his budget ideas, it is only going to get worse.
Jamie Dawn said…
No vacation plans at this point. We spend a lot of time in CA and here in AR, so those trips to be with family are considered vacation.
I'd LOVE a trip to Ireland!!
Enjoy Goose Creek and Mount Pleasant to the fullest!!!
Edie said…
off topic - We used a softball and a baseball to bowl with. Isn't that what they're for?? :P
Oh Greg, c'mon it's not rocket science! Get a Citibank card, charge the whole darn thing and then ask Obama to pay for it. =)
Kelly said…
We're thinking Spring Break rather than vacation at this point. We're decided NOT to Spring break this year to save $$, but may do some day trips.

We usually go to the beach for a week every summer. We have a friend who owns a house, and when they have a renter fall through, they offer it to us for 1/2 price. Usually it is last minute, but for 1/2 price it's pretty good!
Peggy said…
Well Greg, you won't be alone this year in visiting Mount Pleasant...we have been there for vacation before and will again. You are funny...can't wait to see what our taxes will be!
Maybe I'll just visit Normal Il
Vacation? What vacation? It's not happening this year.

Just be happy you're not in California. I'm supposed to get $1,800 back from the state, but apparently, they're giving out IOUs this year.

My accountant informed me of the possibility. I laughed and said, "You're kidding, right?"

He shook his head.

Then I spoke with a friend who already got his IOU. Apparently, California's going to be owing people a lot of vacations this year...
I'm having vacation withdraw since we didn't get to go anywhere last year due to "the wreck". Crazy how our life seems to be somewhat defined by a BW (before wreck),AW (after wreck)! Anyway, we've decided to take a long weekend and go to the race in Bristol in a couple weeks. I can't wait - just hoping it's warm. I'm sure it will be the only place we go this year though.
Darla said…
very humorous! at least you have a good attitude about it! i betcha where you live would be a good enough vacation for me! i'm so tired of looking at texas, i need to get away. there are no mount nothins out here!
sandy said…
Well, we are going up to the central coast Pismo area, staying free at my sis' place, she is cooking a few dinners, we will eat a few dinners out. I'm looking forward to the hiking and coast views, and inland farm country. Should be fairly inexpensive because we don't have the money for any extravagant trip. We may do Sedona in a month or so, for a few days.

We haven't done our taxes yet, but we are on a limited income now so they shouldn't be too bad...

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