Earth Day Challenge

Yo, check this out.

Well that's how my day started. And it just got better from there. We participated in Earth Day at Bon Secours Hospital and it was a blast. Everyone was very interested in ways to save, recycle and grow their own. Tomatoes that is. We just about gave away tomato plants along with pots filled with potting soil and a stake to tie up your tomatoes. It was a big hit. We also gave away day lilies and then sold our other plants. We had a great day and it was very rewarding. In addition we met some really great people. I hope we get asked to do it again next year.

Well I am tired and looking forward to going to bed early. I hope you enjoyed the video. As soon as I connect with the girl that organized the event, I will get some photos to post. I was so busy talking with people that I didn't have time to take photos myself. Oh and in case you couldn't tell in my video those little things I had in my hand were turtles that we got when we were in Mexico.

Have a great day,


Greg! YOU ARE KILLIN' ME!!! Loved your video. I hope the chicken is back in the coop.
B His Girl said…
Chicken, turtles, and Rocky!! What a combo! I think there should b a Rocky 6 staring Greg! I have to admit the Rocky theme song is powerful. I could see Sly..I mean you running with power. Yes, I do like those turtles. Maybe they would like to tell their story on B's blog.
Kim said…
You are just flat LAUGH OUT LOUD FUNNY. What will you think of next?!

And I don't think Sly would be any better than you at catching chickens these days (snicker, snicker).
Kelly said…
I loved it. You almost got me at the end. I was like "NO DON"T DRINK IT!" Whew.

Did you ever catch the chicken?
Angie said…
You are so cute! I always wanted a chicken tractor. And you know what? I've gulped down a raw one before to impressive a friend. Stupid teenagers!
Lori said…
Hee, hee Do you keep your family laughing too??
Carmen said…
Bwuahahaha! What happened to the chicken? Graham used to drink raw eggs when we were first married. Blech!Your posts are always so enjoyable!!
Terri Tiffany said…
Greg you do a lot! Hope you have a great day today--the weekend is coming:)
Kristen said…
Oh my, Greg, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! Great video. I don't have a chicken, but I often exercise with "catch the five-year-old." :-)

Have a great weekend!
Love the video, too bad we don't have any chickens to chase:)

Uour earth day sounded great. my sons class cleaned up the campus and I plan to buy a tree today for Arbor day and plant it.
Monogram Queen said…
I can't ever see your video :( Still glad you had a good time!
Jamie Dawn said…
I LOVE the video!!! Go Rocky Go!!!!!!
Very funny! You've got some quick moves, and I think that chicken was scared of you.

I'd like a couple tomato plants too, also.
Do you deliver to Hot Springs?


Now, get busy and catch that chicken!
ChrisJ said…
Great laugh to start out the day! Trying to catch the chicken reminded me of of our neighbor's chicken who adopted us for about 10 months. There's quite a story there. I need to post about my version of 'Henrietta' but I've been busy enjoying days out with my sister who has come down from Canada. I'll be back again. Great post!
Scarlet said…
LOL! My son watched the video with me and loved it almost as much as I did! You are a crack up (no pun intended!).

I need to buy me a I won't eat! :)
Wanda said…
Oh Rocky ~~ you are hil-lar-ous!!! I really think that needs to go You-Tube for the world to see.

You are one fun guy... wish we lived closer, and could watch your antics up close and personal.

Have a great weekend.

Beverlydru said…
I had read this post before without watching the video. Had more time today and I'm so happy O backtracked. That was hilarious. You had me going when you cracked the egg. I wanted to shout "NO Greg!" Too funny.

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