I need a new goal.

As some of you know, my goal for the last year and a half was to read the Bible from cover to cover. Well I am happy to say that I completed that goal. I actually finished it last Sunday but I am just now getting around to reporting it. It was actually my 2008 resolution to read the Bible daily and read it from cover to cover. Well despite my best efforts I would say that I only read about 95% of the days but I did pick right up where I left off after missing a day.

Now in my defense, I did read your blogs daily and some of you posted Bible verses so I did read the Bible daily. Thanks Kelly, Dorothy, Sharon and Edie just to name a few. See you didn’t know I was using you to complete my mission. Which just goes to prove that you better write nice stuff on here because you never know who may be reading. And I know that none of you wonderful Ladies would judge me because...... Well you know the answer. Thanks again everyone. Now where was I?

I found the Old Testament quite interesting and informative. I learned a lot from reading it. I guess most of my reading before that was in the New Testament. Psalms is still my favorite book and Revelations is still my least favorite. So where do I go from here is my question? I am looking for something uplifting and inspirational and I will take suggestions from anyone that wants to make a suggestion. That’s where you come in. So suggest away. I may even try something poetic. I have always liked poetry which is probably why I like Psalms so much. It tends to be very poetic. Maybe I should try my hand at writing poetry….again.

Have a great day,


Anonymous said…
Read it through again (though don't try to do it in a year, your brain might explode) but this time read with a commentary. I recommend Matthew Henry. He will blow. your. mind.
Terri Tiffany said…
Wow, I've never read it though before. Congratutaltions! I like to read devotions each morning I guess.
SO what do you like to write? Think about that and think about a place you'd like to submit to also--then write for it! I'll be glad to look something over for you but beware--I use a red ink.
Kelly said…
For pleasure reading, I recomment the LEFT BEHIND series. There are 12 of them, it's based on the revelation (Tim LaHaye's opinion of it) and the books are awesome!!!

I also recommend The Book of God: The Bible as a Novel, by Walter Wangerin which is neat to read.

Other than that I'm a huge fan of the Spenser for Hire series (detective) by Robert B Parker...but that is purely fiction, nothing Christian about it. Just fun figuring out who done-it.

My husband loved the LEFT BEHIND series. Right now I am reading Joel Osteen's Dialy Readings for Becoming A Better You and Jesus Calling daily devotional, both are very inspirational.
Becky said…
War and Peace? Great job on reaching your goal, I'm proud of you.
Congratulations on reaching your goal! I have no idea where you go from here...
Sharon said…
Heyyyyyyyyyy You know when you mentioned something new(a Change)and then you said you liked Psalms and you like to write hmmmm yes poetry!! give it a whirl, or just get more christian books to read! My husband is reading one on the blood, he is really learning from it. He says it's really holding his attention, and you know Greg this is good! :)
Have fun and enjoy all that you do!
I'm reading through the Bible while I ride my exercise bike, so that's working out pretty well. I am also reading a lot of C. S. Lewis, and I can't recommend Mere Christianity highly enough! It is really good. Also I'm reading Charles Colson's Kingdoms in Conflict and enjoying it also.
An awesome, uplifting read is "Same kind of different as me," by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. Highly recommend.
Scarlet said…
I'm about to read "90 Minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper if you want to try that one. We could start an online inspirational book club at some point.

Congrats on finishing the Bible. I read it cover to cover in 2004...right before the bad year. Thank GOD I read His word and was able to apply it just when I needed it the most!
Wanda said…
Reading through the Bible is a great goal...Congratulations.

If you're not where to read each day, Proverbs is a good place, 31 chapters, 31 days in the month, and lots and lots of practical advice on living.

Then go any other direction ~~ I also love CS Lewis...Dallas Willard, and Richard Foster.

I've been memorizing longer passages of Scripture.... That's a fun goal to accomplish!!

Psalm 139 is a great chapter to memorize.

Happy Hunting....
Skoots1moM said…
congrats on your achievement...isn't it amazing the thread that runs throughout the old testament into the new and how you can't fully understand the new without the old?!

I would recommend doing a commentary study on the book of John...and the LEFT BEHIND series my husband couldn't read fast enough!
Lori said…
Bravo! I am proud of you.
Edie said…
Hey Felix! ... I mean Greg. *wink*
You're the only one brave enough to let your age show with me. LOL.

I applaud you for sticking to your reading! Great job! And I'm so glad I had the privelidge of helping. lol.

It's been a long time since I've read the Bible straight through. I think you may have inspired me. :)

If you're really interested in the poetry and since you like Psalms you could try your hand at a psalm of your own. The psalms are actually Hebrew poetry and follow poetry *rules*. Check it out here...

Thanks for your prayers. I'm adding you to my prayer list too. :)
A friend of mine and her husband do this every year. They have a Bible that has been organized in chronological order which she finds very appealing.
Monogram Queen said…
Why not read some of the great poets; Keats, Shelley, Browning, Robert Frost!
That's quite an accomplishment! Good for you! So many others have mentioned writing poetry because you seem to like that, I'm going to go one further - add music - start writing praise and worship songs. Let us know when your music video is up! :)
Way to go BFF!! I am very proud of you!

How about starting a book club of some kind on your blog?? Pick something new and encourage others to read it with you and discuss it weekly on your blog and have others talk about it on their blogs as well!!

Another thought...write your own book!! Wow, you fill up the pages with your outrageous adventures at the flea market! I can see the title now...."Fleas...they're all crazy to me"! Perfect!
Angie said…

I agree with Wanda, scripture memory, and I love the idea of you writing your own book. You've got a way with words.

I'm still around. I've undertaken some new work and have been spending more time outside. Good to "see you" Greg.
Jamie Dawn said…
I enjoying reading, but I often read books written for children or young adults. I'm childlike, I guess. I'm currently reading the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson.
Congrats to you on accomplishing your goal!!!!!
I guess you are officially holier than I am.

sage said…
Congratulations! If you want to dig into one book--I'd recommend Revelation (since you don't like it) with some solid work commentaries. I'd recommend Robert Mounce's commentary on the book along with Eugene Peterson's "Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination." Another book I'd suggest is Matthew, with Dale Bruner's two volume commentary on it. Or, just for pure fun, read Michael Malone's "Handing Sin"!

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