Staying Focused.

With all the distractions around me, I am finding it increasingly difficult to stay focused on my goals. Another thing that is preventing me from staying focused is the lack of results. You know what I mean, you diet and gain weight, you do more work in the office and keep getting further behind. That sort of thing. Ironically, that was the subject of our sermon yesterday; “Staying focused when it doesn’t appear that you are making any headway”.

We had a super weekend. My son and I both did great at the Farmers Market. The crowd was a little thinner than the week before but there were more people buying instead of just looking. Saturday night, my wife and I attended a drop in at a friend’s house. This friend is from Trinidad and since I have known her has always been warning me about certain foods which might be too spicy for me. Well I like spicy food so up until Saturday night, the warnings weren’t needed. Well she had some kind of sauce for the fish she prepared and she said “Watch out Greg, that sauce is really spicy”. I thought to myself, yea right, I bet it isn’t that bad so I put about a teaspoon full on each piece of fish. That stuff was light liquid fire and my lips and tongue were throbbing all evening. Finally some really hot stuff.

Like I said, Sunday morning, we went to Church and we had another very young preacher filling in. Neither my wife nor I liked his style but the message was great and we noticed that my youngest son was enjoying the sermon. I can see where he appeals to a younger crowd and maybe that is a good thing. His message was clear though, God doesn’t like quitters so don’t get distracted and keep on keeping on.

This morning, I headed out ready for a new week and a new focus in my life. As I got into my car, I noticed how neat and clean everything was. I had washed all the cars on Sunday afternoon and surprisingly the inside of my car was even tidy. About 5 miles down the road, I felt the need to have a sip of water so I reached over for the water bottle that I keep in my gym bag. Uh-oh, no gym bag. No wonder the car looked so tidy. My gym bag was at home in the living room.
So I hit the brakes, and headed back home for my gym bag. This put me 10 minutes behind so I really had to hurry to get my workout in. When I arrived at the gym, I literally ran inside and started working out. No girls I didn’t count that run in as part of my workout. I stayed on the elliptical trainer for the full 30 minutes and got my workout done. I saved time by doing my cool down in and after my shower but I don’t think I stink. Well I hope not anyway. I think I will keep my distance just in case.

When I got to work, I noticed that someone had brought in a bunch of chicken. There was also a strawberry cheese cake on the kitchen counter. Oh-Noooooo its office lunch day. I was supposed to bring in something and I forgot. I just searched the freezer and there is a huge bag of French fries so it’s French fries instead of potato salad today. I really am focused today, really I am.
I think I have too much going on in my life to focus on any one thing. My plan is to keep track of where my time goes this week and then sit down and see where I can make improvements. I need to make lots of room too because we are thinking of taking Latin Dance lessons soon. It is something that we can do as a family. Yes kids you will be going with us. Pretty soon you will be seeing us on “Dancing with the Stars, not so famous edition”.

Oh I almost forgot. If you are reading this, please leave a Bleep. What is a Bleep? Well it is a term that I coined. That’s right, I coined it so don’t even think about getting credit for it. A Bleep is a comment that you leave on someone’s Blog post. It is kind of like a Tweet on Twitter. So here is a little something to help you remember.

“It is better to Bleep on Blogger than Tweet on Twitter.” At least that is the way I see it. And as for the poster, I don't know who said that, I stole it off the Internet. Maybe I need to come up with a bleepin poster. :)

Have a great day,



Anonymous said…
I'm laughing about the French fries because it sounds like something I would do. :)
Someone at home owes me a car wash and it looks like she needs to read this post because she is not focused at all. Save me a bleepin' fry! ;-)
Skoots1moM said…
on my site, I call them "happenings"...comments, notes,'s interesting what different people like to use as a "hook" to catch our comments...
your "better" got me thinking...come see!
Hi Greg,

Thanks for sharing that with us!

We love your site!! Amen & amen! :)

Hey. If you get the opportunity, would you
mind praying for the prayer requests that are
on our main page?

May the Lord bless you and your family!!

Mark, Lynn, Brooke & Carley Seay

ps - please consider "following" our blog
-or- atleast grab one of our free, linking,
blue buttons. ( see top sidebar at ).

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Visit Us Soon!.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´•
Huse Yo Mama said…
I hope things straighten out for you. I hate it when I feel "off."
Kelly said…
I love your humor. I always "leave" here smiling. I feel like I've been out of focus lately too.

(Maybe that ADHD site is rubbing off on us?)

Happy Day!
Well atleast you got your 30 minutes in, I feel like this past week and now this one have been and are going to be so crazy I will barely have time to cram in much exercise:(

Well I left my bleep, love the term, I may have to steal it;)
larkswing said…
That was bleepy nice post! That with the french fries is funny!

May the focus be with you . . .

bleep out!
Too funny!

Better to bleep than tweet. . . or lurk!!
Gutsy Living said…
Lack of focus must be in the air, as my mind id flitting around like a humming bird that can't make up her mind. I really enjoyed your post today and I know what you mean about the gym. I hate it when I have 10 minutes less than usual. Then it feels like I'm cheating and the workout doesn't really count.
Terri Tiffany said…
I like the better to bleep on Blogger since I don't tweet!Yup. Your life is busy! But at least you are living it:)) Enjoy those dance lessons!
Susan Skitt said…
Always an entertaining read Greg :)

And about different Pastors? God will use anyone who is willing to be a witness for Him :)

Have a great week!
It's hard to stay focused on your goals, but it sounds like you know what you need to do to make yourself feel good.

So I'm curious abotu the farmer's market. What do you guys sell?
I can't think of a BLEEPING thing to say!!
I'm here to bleep you on in the 30 x 5 challenge! Yeah for the blue team (boys)!
Scarlet said…
Funny how you wrote about staying focused when I have been so distracted and full of good intentions lately (but time doesn't allow me to do everything I want to do. Let me know what works for you and I'll borrow it! :)

Btw, I love the poster. Great quote!!
ChrisJ said…
You have to be more organized than I am. You post blogs at unearthly hours, when I'm still sound asleep. Of course, you're probably sound asleep when I post mine.
sandy said…
Bleep!!! I like Bleep better than twitter, not that I've tried the twitter thing. Enjoyed reading you and your posts are always newsy and interesting, like talking with ya over the back fence. Keep on keeping on....even though it gets busy, because the exercise just keeps the energy flowing for all the other stuff you have to do.

Latin dancing, well ya gotta share videos of that.

I'll have to come back for catch up later...
Kim said…
Had to smile at your post today. I have felt like "the faster I go, the farther behind I get" for the past several years.

Love that slogan by the way!
Carmen said…
LOL! You're so funny! Bleepin' Post! Our farmer's market isn't open yet...soon, I hope. Latin dancing? Sounds like fun!

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