When the going gets tough….

When the going gets tough, the tough get blogging. Or something like that.
We are at DEFCON 1 in our office. For anyone that isn’t familiar with that term it stands for Defense Condition 1. It is the highest alert condition and it means that an attack is imminent. And it is today. I can feel it.

You know I feel fortunate to still have a job and I feel sorry for anyone that has lost theirs. But let me tell you what has happened since you have been laid off.

First off the company is still here and operating. Everyone that has remained has had to double up and do twice as much work and for the same pay. The attitudes in the office are very low and there is a lot of grumbling going on. Upper management however isn’t grumbling because there were no layoffs in that area. And since there was all this extra money lying around after the employee cuts, upper management gave themselves a raise just to insure that they keep quiet. Life is good. At the top that is.

As I mentioned there is a lot of grumbling going on and attitudes are flaring. One of the supervisors here has a really bad attitude. It is worse than usual if that is possible. Instead of picking up the pace he is actually slowing down. Well my boss caught on to this and has decided that I need to do some of his work in addition to the two jobs I am already doing. But the good news is that his job is easy so I am able to do two jobs, part of this guys job and still fit in a little me time. In my me-time I made the following poster and put it on our office door;


So far we have had no visitors since I posted the sign. I think it is working.

Have a great day,


Scarlet said…
LOL - Your sense of humor will get you through ANYTHING! I love your poster!! :D~
Stay vigilant my friend. You may also consider posting the following on your door: "The impossible we do every day, miracles take a little longer."
You really need to watch the movie "Office Space"...playing Tetris all day may not be a bad thing - lol
I tried to leave a comment earlier and blogger refused to let me..the nerve.. I love the poster, I had many like that when I worked to keep people away from my desk:)
Kelly said…
Well, I am sorry things are tough at work. I think it is like that everywhere (well, except in upper management where they are decorating offices, buying jets, taking retreats and getting bonuses.) But pity the rest of us.
Peggy said…
Love your sign...humor helps get through.
I think you express what a lot of our fellow americans feel!
Carmen said…
Good poster Greg! I did something like that once too. People still kept coming though...I had their money! LOL! I worked in a bank Cash Cage at the time, which fed the tellers and other branches. I also agree with Dental Maven ;)
Patience said…
I've been where you are. It's not pretty!
Debbie said…
And the problem is that even when the economy picks back up, they will expect you to continue to do that much work.
Oh Greg. That sounds awful. Like really unpleasant and definitely Defcon 1.

Good luck.
Really??!! Even on April Fools Day? What ever happened to office hijinx on days like this? Certainly a sad state of affairs. . .
We're feeling alittle edgy in our office also. I might try to sign today and see what happens.
Monogram Queen said…
They can't say they weren't warned!

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