Memorial Day Weekend 2009

Wow what a weekend we had. It started with a great day at the Market on Saturday. The crowd was larger than usual because it was the first day of Spoleto. It is a festival that takes place every year here in Charleston and the town is full of tourists that came for the event. There are events all over town and a lot of them take place in and around Marion Square. There were bands,pony rides and tons of extra food and art vendors. There was a crazy band playing in the square and after playing for several hours they lead a parade through the streets of Charleston. Here are some photos I took as they were leaving the market area. I would have taken more but business was booming and I had to stay close to my booth.

Sunday was great as well. We stayed close to home and just relaxed. Relaxing is something that my wife and I seldom do so it was a nice change. Today was Memorial Day. We started out by watching some memorial services around the country that were being shown on TV. After that, we relaxed again. As my son said; What's up with that? The boys aren't used to seeing their parents take it easy. But we did. I cooked BBQ chicken with fresh green beans, mushrooms and onions out of my garden. For desert we had strawberry shortcake. We had lunch outside on the deck and while we were eating, we had this little visitor.

I hope everyone had an equally great weekend and I hope you stopped to remember our service men and woman who sacrificed so we can live like we do.

Have a great day,


Skoots1moM said…
what good pictures.
i think the parade needed a little more flamboyant color. We had a band that looked a lot like them at our ACS Relay for Life.
Love your little hummingbird...good shot!
Happy memorial day...we just finished our ribs, green beans, pasta salad and baked beans :)
Scarlet said…
What a fun and colorful parade of people. I'm glad business was booming and that you still got to take some good pictures.

I've relaxed most of the weekend as well. Today I took my daughter to the mall with her friend and spent two hours in a bookstore just browsing. When do I ever get to do that?? It was refreshing!

Have a great week, Greg!!
My ADHD Me said…
Thanks for reminding everyone to remember what Memorial Day is really about!

I had an awesome weekend too. The best one I've had in AGES!!
Darla said…
what a great bird shot! sounds like an enjoyable day around your place.
Sounds like a great weekend Greg! And glad to hear business was good at the market.
I guess we're all back to work today...
Terri Tiffany said…
Loved the pictures and yes I think that is where we went one day. What's up with the costumes?
It's ok if you let some of your other dreams slip by as long as you have some new ones now to work toward:)) maybe they weren't the realistic ones!
What a colorful parade of people! Glad you had a wonderful holiday weekend!
Market day looks like fun. Glade your business is doing so well.
larkswing said…
Such great color in your pictures!And the hummingbird shot is great. Sounds like a great holiday weekend was had!

Bardouble29 said…
Sounds like you had a fabulous time.
Warren Baldwin said…
I watched a movied about an American POW in North Viet Name based on a true story. I also read a couple of stories about veterans. It was a good reminder that though Memorial Day is fun for us, there have been some major sacrifices to purchase this day for us. Good post.
Looks like you had a great weekend. Your pictures are so colorful. That parade looks like a mobile party!

Glad you relaxed and enjoyed the bounty from your garden.
Kelly said…
Glad you had a great weekend! We did too.

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