I’ll keep this short and to the point.

What a spectacle we have seen over the past week. Just think of all the money that was spent to make that funeral and the events leading up to it so special. It’s a shame that he will be going where ever he is going without a dime. Don’t get me wrong, I liked most of his music and no one can argue that he had talent. But something has been puzzling me.

Maybe it’s just me but there isn’t anyone on earth that I worship (these days) to the extent that I would make a pilgrimage to stand outside a building where a funeral is being held. I’m sorry but that is just the way I feel. Like I said he did have talent but he wasn’t a God and because he wasn’t a God he shouldn’t be worshiped like a God. And there have been others before him too.

And as for you who worship and adore him to the extent that you would build little shrines to him and travel thousands of miles at great expense just to be near his body, I have to wonder where your values lie. Just think how wonderful the world would be if you put that kind of effort into being a better person instead of worshiping false idols? And I didn’t even mention the negative things that he did. I’m just saying…

Have a great day.


Anonymous said…
You go Greg. I feel the exact same way. This spectacle is a shame.
Heidi said…
Didn't see any of it. Was too busy weeding my little garden patch and watering the sweet, tender plants. Too busy getting my 5 year old neighbor a band-aid- she rang my doorbell with her knee bleeding and said they were out at their house. Too busy riding my bike through the breeze and chatting with my wonderful husband, I.T.

Sorry Mike.

Terri Tiffany said…
AMEN!!! Gee-- maybe I should give you a second place prize for this! We didn't even turn it on. Made me sad so many did what they did.
Kelly said…
Cost LA was between $1.5 - $4 MILLION!! I do think it was overkill, and hero worship, but I feel sad for the kids.

I don't understand why celebrities lives are so empty they must turn to drugs - so often! How many have to die this way before they stop?
I have never purchased a Michael Jackson CD, ever. I think I'm the last person who never bought Thriller. Having said that, I do think he had a crazy-good talent, and he was an enigma, for sure. I grieve for the passing of another moment of my childhood, and for his seeming life-long emptiness. I'm glad I'm not his judge.
Agree with you wholeheartedly Greg.
Collette x
aww come on Greg, you don't want to watch the memorial umpteen times til you have it memorized ;)
Aw c'mon Greg, I do have the memorial memorized and can do the Thriller dance....really, just ask me a question - lol!!! Hopefully it's all over now.
Skoots1moM said…
OVER doing is never good, is it??!!
wonder if the family will help pay for the costs?
May God continue watching over those children
I agree wholeheartedly...didn't watch a minute of it, except what I couldn't avoid in the general news.
Edie said…
You are not alone in your thoughts I assure you! I never even turned on the tv but still heard the buzz all over.
Jamie Dawn said…
I think MJ was a great talent. He had significant problems which took away from his legacy. It is very sad. I have a feeling this story will be in the news for a long time, much like the Anna Nicole Smith story.
My ADHD Me said…
I am with the majority and agree completely.

I don't think I had ever seen those children without masks on. They truly seemed heartbroken and the last thing they need is millions (literally) of pictures being taken of them.

You're right. The mans talent was phenomenal.

As for the money and news coverage...don't we have soldiers somewhere that could perhaps use a little bit of this hype....I'm just sayin....
My ADHD Me said…
Oh, and I forgot to add....

Billy Mayes
Ed McMahon
Farrah Faucet

Darla said…
so true. our society obviously doesn't have alot of sense these days though, i mean, look who they chose to run the country, i'm just sayin'- ooops, i had to say that.
ChrisJ said…
I'm with you on this Greg. NO-ONE is sweet and perfect etc. but to idolize him in this way is way too far over the top for me. Where is our sense of values and what kind of a message does this send to those all over the world watching this? (Never mind our own kids!) The media and the paparazzi have much blame to share in all this. We live in a topsey-turvey world. Shame on us if we gawked at all this glitz.
Wanda said…
I'll keep this short and to the point. I agree.

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