Thankful Thursday. Feeling the Burn.

It’s that time again. It’s time to stop and be thankful. I am actually thankful most of the time. Yes I (Mr. Happy) even get down sometimes and forget to be thankful but for the most part I am usually happy and thankful. But it is nice to stop and list the things I am thankful at least once a week so here goes my Thankful Thursday list.

I am thankful for another great night of spinning. It was an awesome class last night and I felt the burn in my legs as I pushed myself to a new limit. The instructor; Mary, did a thing she called “Stairway to Heaven.” What we did was start out at a good pace while seated. Then about every 10 seconds we turned up the resistance until we got to a level where we could no longer pedal from a sitting position. Then we had to stand and continue to pedal while increasing the resistance to the max. After about a minute of that, we slowly decreased the resistance while increasing the speed. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like Heaven.

I am thankful for my coffee this morning. I have been awake since about 1 last night but it is my own fault. After last night’s spinning class I got a fruit smoothie that they sell at the gym. It was mango, guava and banana with a few vitamins and some protein powder thrown in. It was really yummy. I forgot to mention that I was going to bed soon so they must have thrown in some go-go juice as well. About 1 this morning, my eyes popped open and I was wide awake. I felt like that little dog in “Go Dog Go” who was the only one awake in bed. I fell asleep briefly around 4 but woke again at 4:30 and decided to just get up. Hence the need for extra coffee this morning.

I am thankful for being able to hold my tongue and not lash out when someone does something like this:

When I stopped for coffee, I decided to get a few doughnuts to bring in for my co-workers. It is something that a few of us do from time to time. (4 out of the 80 people who work here do it, the rest just eat the doughnuts and complain about the varieties) Anywhooo, I got the doughnuts and coffee and then stood in line to pay. When I got to the counter, with the dozen size box of doughnuts, the cashier asked how many doughnuts I had. I was puzzled by the question since the box said a dozen on it but I told him that I indeed had a dozen. After ringing up the items, the total came up to 8.01. I handed him a 10 and began searching my pocket for a penny.

I know I had some change out in the car but there was a long line behind me so I decided not to go for it.

I told him I didn’t have a penny so he began counting out 99 cents. As he handed me the money and I am struggling to pick up the doughnuts and coffee I notice that behind my coffee cup was one of those “leave a penny, take a penny” cups with several pennies in it. It threw me off because I wondered why he didn’t just give me two dollars back and take a penny out of that cup. While I was thinking he abruptly said Have a nice day. I was still struggling and hesitated for a moment and he said again in a really gruff voice this time; HAVE A NICE DAY. I really wanted to say something back but instead I just said; “you too.”

I am again thankful for little blessings like more free firewood, little reminders to be thankful and great blogger buddies like you all. Give yourselves a pat on the back for being so great. No really do it. If anyone sees you doing it, just say that Greg said to do it and you deserve it. That should throw them for a loop.

I am thankful for great kids who are out doing chores while I write this. Along with the chores at our house they are helping my brother in law with some things around his house. He is the one who had lung cancer and he can’t handle the heat very well. So my boys have been helping him with a few things like mowing his two acre yard and trimming and removing some branches that fell recently. And I am also thankful for my wife who took the time to raise them properly and instill these values in them. She is also planning on cleaning her brother’s pool and getting it in shape to swim in again. Everyone seems to be having pool problems this year. It must be the global warming.

Have a great day,


Deb said…
Doesn't give you that warm fuzzy when you see your kids doing for someone else--and you didn't have to threaten them to get them to move??!
Also, my daughter has a heart condition and cannot have any caffine intake, guava is a natural--and powerful--caffine....probably explains why you couldn't sleep my friend! :o)
Have a wonderful day!
This post always makes me feel good. Have a great Thursday Greg!
Beverlydru said…
Spinning and spinning... I should be doing that too! Good for you! Enjoyed catching up. People are kooky and I'm sure it will always be so. You are great at keeping your sense of humor about it. And a thankful heart doesn't leave room to hold on to their ridiculousness.
SusanD said…
Nice of you to buy treats for your co-workers. Love reading your posts. I've tagged you again this week in my list. lol Blessings, SusanD
I hope my kids grow up to be as well raised as your's sound Greg! I am trying to get them to help around the house so hopefully they will learn good habits!

Collette xx
I had to laugh at the visual from "Go dog go" I love that book!!

I've been up since 4 myself thanks to a hungry cat!

Your kids are a blessing and family is so important.

God Bless this week!
Sonya Lee
Skoots1moM said…
loved me som go do go as a kid...
great workout...congrats!
i'm so proud of your perseverence and your kids helping where they see need

penny saved is a penny earned :)

that mango drink sounds awesome...will have to mix up one soon
Kelly said…
Well, I learned that guava is a caffine. Glad you are thinking of things to be thankful for in spite of a bad week. It does make you stop & think doesn't it? Lots to be thankful for.
Great list Greg :) I am also thankful for Coffee so I can have the patience for people like the coffee shop guy ;)
JennyMac said…
Thankfulness is always important...tiny jerk at cash register not offering you a penny when that is clearly what they are for...well, thats a different story. LOL.
Heidi said…
Go kids! I.T. loves it when our kids work or help someone else with work of any kind or even stand around him while he works, because noone can do the work like he can, and encourage him by just being available to go get the screwdriver.

Hey, I think you need a Costco membership. I took back 3 out of 6 tomatoes because they were bad and the gal owed me $3.99. She handed me $4 and said, "$3.99", have a great day!

My head is spinning from all your spinning. I am going to ride my bike a lot next weekend, though. You must be in excellent shape! And I'm sure your heart is just pumping like no tomorrow. That is excellent!
Wanda said…
Good list Greg ~~ I used to take treats to work, some bakery bought some homemade...funny how few people do the bringing and how many do the eating...

You have great kids....wonder if it has anything to do with having a great dad?

Oh the change thing.....been there!! it's so frustrating!!!!!
Glad you kept your cool.

Have a great weekend.


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