Homeland Security is killing me.

It’s a shame that we have to worry about security. Why can't people just get along? When I was in the Navy it was a big deal even when it wasn’t in the civilian world. I still practice some of the things I learned in the Navy. For instance, when I stop at a traffic light, I like to leave a little room between my car and the one in front of me. That will allow me to escape in the event that someone goes postal at the traffic light.

Some other good ideas are to alter the routes that you take on a daily basis and vary the lights that you leave on in your home when you are gone at night. I may be a little paranoid but I always look around when I am in a crowd to see who is around me. I also make a mental note where all the exits are when I am in a public building. Those are good things to do with the state of the world today. But the part that is killing me is the technology security.

I don’t think I am alone in this either. I have so many logon names and passwords that I can’t keep them straight. At work alone I have 5. I also have 5 email logon ID’s to remember. Add a few more for banking and a few more for odds and ends and I think that takes me up to around 20. So I have approximately 20 names and passwords to remember. It would be easy if I could use the same name and password for everything (not recommended) but each program has its own set of name and password requirements so they are all different. And to top it off, the ones at work have to be changed periodically.

So with my lack of memory, where does that take me? That takes me to the password recovery screen more times than I care to admit. In fact I am in that boat at the moment. And the bad part is I have to wait until Monday and talk with a representative because I thought I could figure it out and I tried too many time. Yes I locked an account. It happens. And what is their solution to this problem? “The secret question.”

Now hear me out on this one. If I can’t remember a simple name and password, how in the world am I going to be able to remember my mother’s first pet’s favorite color? I mean these questions are so far fetched that no one in their right mind would remember them. I tried using the “What was your first car?” question but I can’t remember how in entered it so that doesn’t work. I know it was a voltswagen but as you can see I don’t know how to spell it so I probably put in VW. But did I capitalize it? Maybe just the first letter? No that didn’t work. How about all lower case? No again. Let me just try to spell it. V o l t, no that isn’t it. What do you mean too many tries? OK I will call and talk with a person on Monday. Grrrrrrr

So I am taking suggestions on how to remember these passwords. Someone out there must have a solution. Until then I will keep calling customer service.

Have a Blessed Sunday and remember your password to Heaven:


See you on Monday,


Kelly said…
I love your ending!!!

I have a notebook, and on the last page I write all my logins & passwords. It's simple, but it works.
Heart2Heart said…

Even though it hurts too much today to laugh, it was well worth it. I have been on the password recovery screen to many times in the past.

I too, have a book with all my logins and passwords contained in them. I know not something recommended, but what are people going to do, pay all my bills for me if they find them?

I agree with you, that there has to be a better way, and I too, hate those security questions. I can never remember those although I guess you could write those down instead of your log in or password.

I love your closing remark, it is definitely one I will remember!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Skoots1moM said…
me 2!
what a pain...
Robin Lambright said…
I keep a document in my outlook notes with a generic file name with all my passwords on it. It does help, however more time than not I forget to update it if I have to change a password.

It is readily accesable on my computer and I can access it when ever I nedd to search for a password.

Some of the newer anti virus software also have password saving functions. My latest version of Norton has that function. I just have to log on and it remembers all my passwords and enters them automaically when ever I go to the specific sites where I need them.

Debbie said…
I have decided that I have far too many other worries and I gave up on using different passwords eons ago. What a pain they are. Good luck!
Monogram Queen said…
Oh boy do I feel you on this one. I can remember stuff that happened when I was 6 ... but ask me something that happened that morning - forget it!
You are a terrific writer too.
Like Chatty Kelly, I have a binder which has pre-printed forms asking for account name, login name and password. I keep it next to my computer and enter info as needed. To date I've got about 10 pages, with at least 15 entries per page.
Terri Tiffany said…
A cardex file. I keep it right on my desk very handy. Cause I can't remember where I parked my car let alone those tricky questions! lol
Heidi said…
Mmm hmm. I hear ya. I cannot, for the life of me, find my car in the parking lot- ever and I certainly cannot remember passwords and the like. I won't give away how I handle that problem here.

Speaking of problems, Robin at Be Still and Know is having a dandy of a cucumber problem over at her blog today. I told her you would know what to do. She has commented on this post above. Maybe you can go over there and help her out. I'm curious about what it is, too.
Beth Herring said…
Greg, You had me crackin' up during your post today.

I am feeling your pain with the passwords! At work we have to change them every 3 months and they can't be the same as the last 4 passwords. I want all mine the same and it is so frustrating. I literally have a printout of all my passwords for all my different accounts and update it every time I change it!
I do a lot of the same checks as you. I don't always tell people because I think they will think I live in fear. Maybe I do?
ROFL, that is so funny because I am so with ya. I try to write down all the different log ins and passwords.......and then I forget where I put the paper I wrote them on!!!!!!!!
ChrisJ said…
I keep mine on a sheet of paper by my computer. How crazy is that? Anyone could break in the house and use them. In spite of this technological world I do very little business over the computer just because of the security problem.
You realize of course that all you have to do now is track each one of us down who has just told you where we keep our passwords and BINGO you have access!:)
Edie said…
I love that no matter the frustration, you are always funny. This post almost sounded like ADHD-Jo. :)

I don't use the same password for everything because as you said, it's not recommended. But I do follow a pattern so that every password is different, but I can always remember it or figure out what it is.

Example: Your initials, followed by the day of your birth, followed by the first 3 letters of the thing you need the password for. So your password for Greg's General Store would be gc27gre.
Love the ending, I will definitely remember that password...

Mine are all typed up and kept under lock and key :)
Kim S in SC said…
Can't tell you how to keep track...can't do that myself! I'm excited to go and check out your new gardening site! And I think you CAN count yourself an expert!
Edie said…
Hey Greg, you got a little mention in my post today. No password needed. :)
I have a notebook full of them. God forbid I ever lose the notebook!
Jamie Dawn said…
Ha, ha... good post! I got such a chuckle out of it.
I have a suggestion. You can write them down somewhere, but ONLY if you can remember where you put the list!

Heidi said…
I came knocking on the store door, but the post says "three days ago" you must've shut down for vacation.

Come back soon...
Beverlydru said…
I write mine down too. It used to be manageable but now with all the different requrements, it's crazy.
I'm glad the most important password is Jesus. Case doesn't apply, no numbers or characters necessary!
Lhoyt said…
My sons set me up with a program called Whisper 32. It is accessible from my computer, and I only have to know one password. All my passwords and Usernames are in there. If I forget any of them, all I have to do is go to Whisper and get it. Tbis is only in my computer, so noone else can retrieve it unless they are on my computer and they know my password. I'm leary of lists on paper, because I have a tendency to end up with a bunch of lists, lost all over the house.

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