It's giveaway time.

Break out the confetti people it’s time for a giveaway. And not just any giveaway, a Super Duper Giveaway. And why am I doing this you might ask?

A. Because I am a nice guy.
B. Because school starts tomorrow and I have all that extra traffic to look forward to.
C. Because I got a check from the government in the mail.
D. Because as of yesterday, I had 20,000 visitors on my blog.

If you picked A or D you may already be a winner. Then again you may not be a winner but you surely are intuitive. And the reason I am going to do a giveaway instead of just giving a prize to the 20,000th visitor is because this person didn’t leave a comment or even their name. That’s right; a stalker. See it pays to leave a comment on my blog.

So the next question is what to give away. Well I thought about giving away $20,000 dollars to go along with the 20,000 visitors but since item "C" didn’t happen. (I am thinking my stimulus check got lost in the mail) I will have to go with something a little more reasonable. How about a big box of unique Charleston things? That way, even though you had to staycation this year, you will have some goodies to pass around to your friends so they "think" you went on vacation. And I won’t tell if you don’t.

So here is how the giveaway is going to work. Anyone who leaves a comment on my blog between now and the end of August will get their name entered into the drawing. And that is one name per visit too so if you visit often you can get multiple entries. And for those who try to bend the rules (ADHD Me for instance) no you can’t just put tons of little comments on each blog post and get tons of entries. So I guess that is one entry per visit per blog post.

But wait, you want more entries? As an added bonus if you visit my website and leave a comment I will double that offer. That’s right for every comment you leave on my website you get two entries into the drawing. Still not enough entries for you? Ok how about this; If you sign up to FOLLOW my website, you will get 5 entries. Now try to contain yourself, I know you are probably hyperventilating. Still not enough for you? Well if you don’t want to win anything but feel the need to give, I am going to allow you to sign up someone else. That’s right, you have three options. You can leave a comment and say that you want to win. Leave a comment and say that you don’t want to enter. Or leave a comment and enter someone else. Wow with an offer this big you may want to throw a parade. Lets face it, I am a nice guy.

But lets say you don't believe in contests. I still have some nice butterfly pictures on my website so you may want to visit anyway. I'm not begging here, I'm just saying.

Have a great day,


(Trumpets Sound)
A give away? Of course I'm in...And the 1st entry too!
(only once today, eh?)
Who in their right mind would leave more than one and expect multiple entries? No one I their right mind that is!

Have a great day!
(School here starts Sept 9!)
My ADHD Me said…
That last one didn't count. My son was playing on the computer again.

I guess I AM leaving 2 after all. haha. But it only counts as one.

From your friend,
Will Smith
Count me in please. What a nice prize you are giving away. I'd love to win :) FUN!!!
Doing all the other stuff now. I thought I already was a follower...
LOL! Fun a giveaway! I would love to receive Charleston items, so put me in for the drawing. I'm not big on lotteries, though, so I will probably only enter a few times.

Thanks and congrats on 20,000 visitors! WOOOHOOO!

Sonya Lee

PS. I left you a message on my blog in the comments.
Terri Tiffany said…
SIGN ME UP!!!! Sounds great! I guess I need to go to your website too! COngrats on so many visitors!
Monogram Queen said…
Ha Ha count me in but you've already been so nice to me!
Still... I do love "cha-ston" things!
Kelly said…
Pick me, pick me. Don't forget I am already a subscriber to your website, so add my 5, plus this one, plus I left a comment there. WOO! yay me.

And I Love your idea to get people to your site. I just might have to steal it.
Becky said…
I don't want to win but I want my entry for this comment to go to ADHD Me.


Heart2Heart said…

Well I would love to win your box of things from Charleston! I do that for mother's day and Christmas because I think that there are so things unique to where we live and it's a nice hometown touch.

By the way, I am already a follower does that count or do I need to cancel that and then re add myself??? Just kidding.

What are you using to track your blog traffic? I have heard of some many and would really be interested in your input.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Heart2Heart said…
P.S. Your stimulus check must have been lost in the mail when your official visitor came by on vacation.

I wanted to add it before I pressed submit. Sorry!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
You are a nice guy which is why I should win this giveaway!!! I'm a follower...Me, Myself, and I. Do me, myself and I each get an entry????
sara said…
Of course I am in for a giveaway!!! And since I have never been to Charleston, it would be awesome to get some stuff from there!!! I will add myself to your followers too!!! yea, 5 more!
Skoots1moM said…
sounds like fun...i'm in...
Skoots1moM said…
i'm already a follower...woohoo!!!!!
B His Girl said…
Well, of course, I want to enter. I have not been to Charleston. Flowers in a box? B
Beverlydru said…
I love give-aways and I love all things Charleston so this should be fun, fun, fun!
I'm curious, Greg. What kind of "unique Charleston things" are we talking about? A girls gotta know...
Deb said…
Greg you are too funny!!!!!! Congrats on the 20,000 (although I sure wish that gov't check had come in for ya!!)
Yes, go ahead and enter me in your contest my friend!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Wanda said…
What a fun "Giveaway" I'm in. Thanks and put my name in the basket. Hey I'll check out your website too.

Scarlet said…
Not only are you a NICE guy, you're a SUPER NICE guy! Of course, I'd love to win, but I come here for more than prizes.

A blog post from you is a gift in itself. :)
You just crack me up!!! Since son #1 has been to Charleston and I have not....I need this to win this giveaway....that makes sense doesn't it?? LOL!
Susan Skitt said…
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, (is that enough ha, ha's?) Greg you are too funny, really! I'm sure there's some web induced symbol for lots of ha, has, but I don't know it.

Anywho... what a fun giveaway. I guess I'm entered multiple times since I enjoy my visits here so much.

Hey you and your wife should do a little part time business with the jewelry business I'm with, I know it's not the same as plants, but it sure is pretty :)
Wooo hooo! Charleston stuff. Now, my only question is since I started following your website before the giveaway announcement, doea that still count. I mean I think I should get triple points since I did it before there was bribery involved. :)
Heidi said…
Sure, I want to win. Who wouldn't? I can't believe I didn't see this post earlier. I never miss your posts. Anyway, about your website, are you talking about your Examiner site? I'm not sure where your website is. I will return to your blog and find it now.

Heidi said…
I just read Kelly's, so I thought I'd remind you, I am a follower, too. Now, off to investigate the site.

Heidi (I know this doesn't count for another entry- I play fair)
Pick me! Pick Me! LOL!

Congrats on your fabulous giveaway Greg!
Love it, I need some Charleston Items :)
Carmen said…
Ah, here it is. I was worried I'd missed it! Will there be firewood in the box? We could use some for our winter here, and you seem to have plenty. Just sayin' ;)
IO have always wanted to visit the South so this would be an armchair way of doing it:D
Edie said…
Yay I'm not to late! It's been a busy week. I'm glad I always catch up on all your posts when I come over.

I'm in! Enter me! I want to win. I'm off!
jcubsdad said…
OK. I am in for the contest. I like swag...
kroonerrater said…
I have to leave a comment, cause I just realized that you follow one of my blogs! :) It'd just be the right thing to do...

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