And the winner is...Thankful Thursday

Another Thankful Thursday is here. I wasn't sure I would get this out because I have class all day today. However my co-worker volentered to cover the morning meeting for me so I have an extra 45 minutes to get this done. So before I run out of time, here goes;

1. I had another great spin class last night. I am not hurting as much as I did the first few weeks so I must be getting stronger. I thank God for the strength to continue on my quest to get in shape. I also thank Mary for keeping us motivated.

2. A biggie for me this week has been my amazing children. I am so thankful that I have great boys who have some really great values.

3. I am thankful for my wife who does so much around the house and I know I don't say thank you near enough. She does everything around the house so I don't have to.

4. I thank God for all the amazing blessings he keeps giving me. I must be doing something right because things just keep going my way. I feel the need to do more too.

5. I am thankful for all my blog friends. You are all winners in my book. I wish I could give you all gifts but that just isn't possible. I can however give away something to the winner of my giveaway so without further ado, the winner of the giveaway is...."9Thinks".

Well that's what the ticket I drew said anyway. Actually I used Excel to make the tickets. Remember that some of you got lots of entries because you visited my website and blog often. So when I did a "copy and drag" of the names to make multiple names, Excel decided that I wanted to make a string of numbers. So it did 2Thinks, 3Thinks, 4Thinks.....9Thinks... So the winner is actually Heidi over at "2Thinks."

It will take me a few weeks to get the gift package ready because my supplier is taking the week off but I will get it out as soon as possible. I will get together a grand prize selected especially for you Heidi.

So enjoy your Thursday while I sit in a boring classroom and try to stay awake.

Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday,


Laurie said…
I LOVE the pic on your blog of you with the big fish. I come from a line of fishermen who would appreciate that:) I enjoyed your list. Good for you for getting in shape- accountability is a must for me in that area:) God bless you and your family, Laurie
Congrats to "9Thinks"!

Have a good one, Greg!
sara said…
yea for Heidi! Can't wait to see what she gets!
SusanD said…
Great list and Congrats to "2Thinks" for being the big winner. Blessings, SusanD
Kelly said…
I'm laughing at 9 Thinks. As soon as you wrote it I said "I think he means 2Thinks." LOL!

Great list! Have a great weekend.
B His Girl said…
Thinking and thanking 9 times is good! Blessings to you. B
This is my first visit to your blog and I must say, it looks like I will be visiting more often! How sweet of you to be so thankful for your wife! We all need to hear that sometimes!
great list Greg! congrats to your winner!
Collette xxx
Heart2Heart said…

Love your list of things that you are thankful for. It truly shows just how much God continues to bless you.

Congratulations to Heidi at 2 Thinks!! WOO HOO!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Yeah! Congratulations Heidi!

She deserves it and great list Greg!

My ADHD Me said…
Haha. I was thinking, "Who is 9Thinks?"
Great list Greg and I just want to say congrats to you for being thankful of your wife and mindful of what she does!! Not all hubby's do that....and no I'm not talking about mine, I know he's appreciative, LOL!
Sharon said…
Hey sounds like you had plenty to be Thankful for this weekend. Also sounds like you are doing great in your workout sessions. I have lost 27lbs myself, and I feel so much better.

Congrats to 9thinks

Have a beautiful and blessed weekend :)
Glad Heidi won, she is an amazing girl.
Terri Tiffany said…
Congrats to the winner!!!
Heidi said…
Wow! I've just arrived home from a week long vacation at "the cottage" with my family and extended family to celebrate the fact that my #1 son is home after many months of being out of state! So, I have been away from the blogs for many days!

I'm thrilled to win, Greg! Thank you! I sometimes do have 9 thinks instead of 2- often leaving the full 9 in someone's comments. :)

I've got a lot of catching up to do here. But thank you for this, Greg. I suppose you need my e-mail address, right?

It is:

Thank you! I also love your Thankful Thursday list here!
Heidi 2Thinks

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