Is it safe?

I am almost afraid to walk outside these days. There are so many crazies running around that it is enough to make Mr-T look over his shoulder. But then a product like this comes along which lets me know that all is right with the world. My only regret is that I didn't think about it first.

Ok so if you were bored enough to watch the entire video, you have to be saying; "I want one of those talking dog tags" I know I did. Only I am not going to use it on the dog since I don't have one. Instead I am going to start a fashion trend and wear it myself. And for the audio, I will get a dog to bark into it.

Have a great day,


Peggy said…
Abe this is funny. Nice to have a morning laugh!
I gave my children these blankets or ones similar for Christmas one year and they really liked them( I was shocked)
The talking dog tag might cme in handy someday! I don't have a dog either!
Thanks for sharing Greg :) You should get in on the Pet Parade with this post.
Blessings and thanks for the Smiles,
If all the dogs who wear snuggies can suddenly knit, I'm all for it.
Skoots1moM said…
can i order a set of the doggie tags to hang around my neck for when I lose my way and don't know where I live?...i have days where i could repeat my to do list to the tag and then NOT FORGET everything that I intend to do... :D
thx 4 sharing
Heart2Heart said…

This reminds me of the device that the dogs used in the movie UP! Great movie and I wouldn't be surprised to see it used by pet owners everywhere.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
OH Greg that is SO funny! I know people will be asking me if I'm getting Zoe one. My son and his friend ordered a Snuggie just to be stupid at college.

I'm with Skoots. I need the tag for myself. See you tomorrow.
Judy said…
I think that dog sitting on the bed in the pink Snuggie looks quite mad and irritated! What a funny video!
ChrisJ said…
Now I wonder if these snuggies would work for cats -- they always like to be warm. But I wouldn't pay 14.95 for it. Between the birds and the cat, I'm going broke!

Greg, your stink bug blog was TOO much. Yuck!
sandy said…
Well that reminded me, maybe I'll get me a snuggie this winter.

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