Sorry, I can’t help myself.

I know it isn’t proper and we shouldn’t do it and some people hate it when we do it. The Bible even says we shouldn’t do it. But some of you parents out there know that there comes a time when the urge to do it is just overwhelming and we have to do it before we burst. Of course I am talking about bragging, and not just any bragging; “Child bragging.” For the sake of the non parents, I will make it brief (even though I don’t want to).

Yesterday at school, my youngest son (Sean) was on the playground when another student toppled over. From the sound of it, he was having some kind of seizure. One teacher ran to his aid but none of the students offered to help. (None except Sean that is) I have to say that this is middle school and the children do need to maintain that “cool image” but where is the compassion for another human being?

Anywhoo, Sean ran over and helped the teacher with the other student. Sean is only 12 but he is a large boy, (standing over 6’ tall) so he was able to physically help the teacher out. The teacher asked him to stay with the boy while she ran for help. From what he told us, none of the other students offered to help while the teacher was gone.

Soon help arrived and they were able to assist the student. After the incident, the teacher was talking with Sean and told him; “God made people like you big so he could fit in a really big heart. “ Sean really is a great person. He is dying for someone to check out his blog too if anyone has some spare time. It is called Sean’s art.

In other news, (and you thought I was done bragging) my older son was nominated yesterday for “Student of the week” at his High School. This is his senior year and it looks like he is going to finish in a blaze of glory. Whoo Hooo, double bonus! Ok I’m done bragging.

Have a great day, I am!



That is awesome that only your son Sean stayed and helped the student while no-one else did. How proud does that make you feel as a father! Congrats to your other son as well for being the Student of the Week! Sounds like you are a great father and role model in their life!

By the way, I noticed you don't have a button. Would you mind if I make you one and sent it to you?

Let me know,

Edie said…
That is so cool Greg! You have much to be proud of and we will allow you ample room for bragging rights.

I'm not so sure it's completely unbiblical. After all, God was bragging on Job to satan.
Heart2Heart said…

You just gotta be one proud dad. These are those priceless moments that most parents live for. We want to see if all the raising of our kids produced any fruit. By the looks of what you shared, your trees are in full bloom!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
You have wonderful children Greg, such compassion and love for others.
sara said…
that is awesome!!!

You know what, I love to hear bragging like that!!
I love what that teacher said to your son! What a pair of wonderful kids you have!
Love Collette xxx
Susan Skitt said…
Wow, so good that your son helped. It's great to know that what we teach and model for our kids is sinking in :)

Have a great day!
jcubsdad said…
Way to Go Sean. Keep up the good work! I had a similar experience recently and all people could do was record it on their blackberries... gez that is unnerving.

Keep up the good work. Me thinkst God has great plans for you.
jcubsdad said…
Way to Go Sean. Keep up the good work! I had a similar experience recently and all people could do was record it on their blackberries... gez that is unnerving.

Keep up the good work. Me thinkst God has great plans for you.
Jamie Dawn said…
Sean sounds like a great kid. Being big is a good thing. He'll be one of those big men with a heart of gold that all the ladies just love. He'll have to beat the ladies off with a stick.
Congrats to both your boys!!!
Now, I better go check out Sean's Art.
Kelly said…
Well, yes, brag! Of course! Our kids are our crown & glory, and a reflection of our parenting. So yay YOU & your kids! Woo! That is so amazing. You should be thrilled.
Way to go Sean! What a proud papa you must be. It's great to see kids emulate the good examples they have! brag ALL you want. What great boys. It's true, I think, that nothing we ever do in our lives makes us as proud as the accomplishments of our children. At least that's the way my husband and I feel. Give both of them my congratulations!
Monogram Queen said…
I hope I raise a compassionate, good child who would do this kind of thing instead of spoiled, selfish, entitled self-centered one much like many I see (in my own family).
Bravo to Sean - and you and your wife for doing a good job raising him!
Kim said…
Sometimes parents just gotta break out with a big ole brag -- or we'd just burst! LOL

You have reason to be proud of your kids!

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