Thankful Thursday, Life's Challenges.

As many of you know this has been a challenging year for me. There have been financial challenges, physical challenges, mental challenges and so many others. Through it all I have somehow managed to keep my head above water. Life would be pretty boring without challenges and I would be pretty weak too. But it is Thankful Thursday and like all things in life, Challenges are a gift from God. “Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.” Not just the “good” ones.

I know everyone has heard the expression; What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Well that’s not exactly correct. The statement should really be; Every challenge you rise above makes you stronger. Just because you are faced with a challenge in life doesn’t make you stronger. You really have three options when you are faced with a challenge. You can avoid it. You can go around it. Or you can face it head on. It’s only when you face that challenge and rise above that you become a better person. So here is my thankful list for this week.

1. I am thankful for all those irritating people who I have to interact with on a daily basis. I am sorry you hate life so much that you feel the need to try and bring everyone around you down to your level but it isn’t working on me. I refuse to lower myself to your level. Come join me in the living world. Your constant complaining is only making me stronger in my commitment to make this world a better place to live. Thank you God for the difficult people in my life.

2. I am thankful for the monetary setbacks that I have had this year. Even though it has been an expensive year for me, I have managed to make ends meet. And living with less is a good thing. God has given me the ability to fix things myself and had I had extra money I might have just let someone else do the work instead of doing it myself. I always feel good when I accomplish difficult tasks. Thank you God for showing me that sometimes less is more.

3. I am thankful for my aching muscles today. We had another awesome spin class last night. I have to admit that I was sweating like a pig by the end of the workout. I made sure there was plenty of room between me and anyone else when we were doing the post spin stretching. It occurred to me that I am the oldest person in the Wednesday night spin class and I may be inspiring some others to stay with it. Thank you God for allowing me to inspire others.

4. I am thankful for this cooler weather. Doesn’t it feel great? Of course this presents another challenge. My greenhouse isn’t ready for the cold weather. In the summer we take the plastic off to let the heat out. This cooler weather came on us rather suddenly. Now I have to scramble to get the plastic back up before the temperature gets too low. I know what I will be doing tonight after work. But at least it will be cool while I work. Thank you God for reminding me to always be prepared. “He will come like a thief in the night without warning.”

5. I am thankful for another great day full of challenges. It will be another chance for me to rise above the crowd and get one step closer to where I want to be. God grant me the courage to face these challenges head on and the strength to rise above. Thank you God for thinking enough of me to challenge me daily. Thank you for these and all your blessings.

Have a great day,


Anonymous said…
Yes! I am so thankful right along with you. We too have had a financial challenge this year, but God provided and showed us the things to cut back on and where-we have yet to miss a bill. I am also thankful for all of these troubles and trials that God brings us through and I am thankful that you brought that out here so beautifully.

May God Bless you
Heckety said…
Oh yes- with you on all those! But thank you for the idea of thanking God for the irritating people (no. 1), I pray for them, and I pray for the patience and endurance to cope with them but I hadn't thought of what they might be teaching me. Thank you for provoking thought ! (as opposed to temper...)!!!
christy rose said…
Wow! Greag that was an awesome thankful post. I was just discussing with my daughter yesterday how good it is to come upon things that take effort and work hard at them to accomplish them well. It does make you stronger and gives you a great sense of accomplishment. Giving up when things get hard makes us weak and never teaches us to push through in our committments. Great post!
Kelly said…
Lots of wonderful things to be thankful for Greg. I think everyone is having financial challenges this year (it made my list too, which I just posted. I hit the gym first! Yay me!)

Keep up the good attitude! Be strong, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go!
Edie said…
I really admire your positive outlook in the face of challenges Greg. You inspire more than just your spin class.

Have a great day!
Pilar said…
We have so much to be thankful for ) even when thoe things don´t look like blessing (#1,2 :)).

Thanks for your comment in my blog. I just started going to the gym and those days usually the headaches are not so bad, so I think it is helping. I have been wanting to try out the spinning class but it looks intimidating.. :) hehe.

Have a blessed day!
Andrea said…
Praising GOD with you. Though there have been faced them and were given the strength to endure. Praising GOD for endurance!

Blessings, andrea
blushing rose said…
With Him all things can be positive & hurdled successfully.

May your day be full & warm ... TTFN ~Marydon
Heart2Heart said…

Gotta love your list, especially number 1. Those 'sandpaper people' in our lives are there for a purpose to make us better, kinder and resolve to make each day better no matter what.

You have an awesome list today! Yeah, Steve is hopefully heading home tomorrow!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Awesome. Talk about turning negatives into positives! You are one special guy, Greg C.
LivingforGod said…
Insightful post. It's wonderful that you have a thankful heart and the right attitude/perspective. It reminds me of the song, "Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Thank you for visiting my blog today.
Charlene Amsden said…
What an absolutely positive, wonderful and uplifting post!

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)
Hmmm, This was a great Thankful Thursday post. I've always hated that saying, "If it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger" and now I know why - it's WRONG! LOL!

Very thought provoking today. Each week is new and different, perhaps your next week will not be met with such struggles.

Sonya Lee
Beth Herring said…
Awesome, Greg. I love each one of your items that you listed.

We indeed go from strength to strength with God. He supplies what we need at just the right time to carry us until the next time.

Many blessings,
OK this was awesome Greg..I love the way you take unpleasant situations and turn them for the good. Great job!
larkswing said…
Another inspiring post! And yes, cool weather in the South is welcome! We are only getting up to 73 tomorrow - Saturday, 60's and it is only October. Yes, I am a happy girl!
Hope you got the plastic tarp on the greenhouse with ease last night, Greg. Thanks for another great Thursday post!
Terri Tiffany said…
I love your list Greg and it is such an honest and real one. I've been faced with similar challenges this year and still am but hope I am making some sort of headway. SOmeone recently blogged the reminder that God is in our miracles and challenges and we aren't alone. I tend to forget that in the harder moments.
Glad too you are still working out. I have to get back on my treadmill now that I am back!
Leaon Mary said…
Thankful for challenges in life.
WOWE! You definitely have inspired me. Not once did I thank God for that. Now you've given me alot to think about today.....

Have a great day today with those gritty people. Bet you're making quite an impact at your workplace!
Susan Skitt said…
Ah those challenges, and with God's strength we can meet them and rise above on the wings of an eagle, we will soar with Him!
Kim said…
You are an inspiration to us all Greg!
My ADHD Me said…
Your #4 reminded me of a quote that I recently read at Mocha With Linda's Blog.
"Autumn is a season followed immediately by 'looking forward to spring'".
Rena Jones said…
Great post. I loved the end of #4!
Scarlet said…
One of these days I'm going to have to see what these spinning classes are all about. (Maybe you could post another video.)

I enjoy the cool weather. It's time to bring out the sweater and the boots. I LOVE it!! :)

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