Yea, it's Monday

Does anyone know what happened to the weekend? Last I remember it was Friday and now it's Monday. Those two days sure have a way of slipping by quickly. Now if only we could get Monday through Friday to go by that fast and slow down the Saturdays and Sundays all would be great.

I do have some great news. Chelsea was able to come home from the hospital yesterday. Without going into a lot of personal details I will just say that the doctors were able to isolate her problem and they have it under control. She still has some medical problems but she is continuing to show signs of improvement. And going from the ICU to home is a great thing.

Now for the bad news....Guess who is sick now? Me!!. I have had a killer cold since Friday. It started with some post nasal drip, followed by a sore throat and now I feel like someone is standing on my chest. I am so congested it isn't funny. This morning I dropped by the gym since I couldn't sleep anyway and tried to workout. I ended up getting in a 15 minute workout and a 20 minute hot shower. It did clear up my head a bit though. Now all I have to do is try to stay awake all day.

I am still working on my son's car. We are making some progress but we need to have one part machined and that may take a few days if they can do it at all. If they can't it may get expensive.

My Halloween costume is coming along well. I should finish it tonight. The only bad part is that it is going to be very hot in it. The original forecast said 75 degrees which sounded great but now they are saying 82 degrees. I never though I would say this but I sure wish it would be a little colder on Saturday. I will take photos before all my makeup runs off due to sweating.

Oh guess who has bananas in October? Check out my Examiner site if you have time and see what they look like.

Have a great Monday everyone,


Terri Tiffany said…
Good morning! Sorry you are sick! Didn't anyone ever tell you not to go to the gym with germs??? LOL
Rest and get better!
Kelly said…
Feel better!

I read your banana's article. I already knew you were banana's anyway. LOL! ;-)
Andrea said…
Thankful our prayers were answered and Chelsea is well enough to come home.
As for the weekend, well...I really wanted to stop time yesterday and stay in the midst of it all, but back to reality I came.

Blessings, andrea
Heart2Heart said…

Great news and praising God for Chelsea coming home. Now prayers are going up for you as well hoping that you get well soon!

Let's hope that Halloween weather prediction is wrong!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
So glad Chelsea is better!

Now it's time to take care of yourself, Greg! Feel better.
Monogram Queen said…
Hope you feel better quick Greg!

I can't wait to see your costume.

I am glad it will be warm, i'll freeze in mine if it isn't! :)
Heidi said…
Goad to hear about Chelsea. Hope you'll be well soon, too. And did you tell us what you are going to be for Halloween? 75? Man,it will be snowing here on Halloween night at the rate we're going.
Heidi said…
Glad, not goad, gosh.
Beth Herring said…
So thankful that Chelsea is better! Thank you Lord for your healing touch on her life.

Greg - will pray for you as well. Take care of yourself and get lots of good rest!
Hey BFF, been stalkin' but not talkin'....!! Hate that your sick, but thrilled Chelsea is better!! I'll pray for a freak snow storm to roll your way! HA!
Edie said…
Praising God for Chelsea's improvement! I'm so sorry you're sick. Gargle with warm salt water 3 times a day. I know it's yucky but do it anyway. :) Do I sound like a mom or what?
Glad to hear Chelsea is feeling better, hope you start feeling better too.

Make sure you post photos of you in your Halloween costume!

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