Were havin fried chicken so crisp and hot, With tatters and gravy make sure and take a lot. There’s green beans and fatback and biscuits with butter, And cold cold milk, straight from the udder. And fer desert, get ya some pie, There’s sweet tater, apple and of course yer favorite shoo-fly. YUMMMM YUMMMMM Hee Haw was one of my father’s favorite shows. He loved it for the ummmmmmm music. Or so he said. This morning, I was thinking about what to have for supper. A couple of things came to mind. First there was some chicken in the refrigerator but I remembered Salmonella and decided not to fix that. I bought a beef roast yesterday but now I am having second thoughts because of possible Mad Cow Disease. I could always make a salad but we might get e-coli from the lettuce. Ok the only thing left is water but with all the mercury and arsenic in water these days, maybe I will just sit quietly and breathe. I just hope there isn’t a smog alert. Then I thought why not just go out for dinner. The...
Take care.
Happy that you are basking in all that Florida sunshine and can't wait to hear all about your adventures when you return.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
hope this finds all well...
Happy Thanksgiving!