Oh what a Christmas

Well I had just the best Christmas ever. It all started on Christmas Eve. We headed out to Church for our annual Christmas Eve Service. As we were approaching the Church, we noticed someone in the car next to us waiving frantically. It was my wife’s cousin. She doesn’t even live in the same town and we haven’t seen her in over a year. They had driven down for just a few hours to check out a location for a wedding for another relative. It was a spur of the moment decision on their part and they were only staying for a few hours so they didn’t let anyone know they were coming. So what are the odds that we would be driving down the same street at the same moment in time? Pretty slim if you ask me, almost miraculous.

The service was packed when we got inside because we spent a few minutes in the parking lot talking with this cousin. We ended up in the overflow area but did get a seat. The message was a little different as well looking at the first Christmas from a slightly different angle. It was about uncertain times and how Mary and Joseph must have been going through the same thing but their faith brought them through. It was a great message and made for a nice Christmas Eve.

Christmas was very quiet in our house which is all I really asked for. There may not be peace on earth but there was peace in our little world. We had less presents under our tree than ever before but it was a wonderful Christmas anyway. We had a great meal around 1130 and then decided to go see a movie. I don’t know who started this thing of releasing movies on Christmas but it has really caught on. The movie theater was packed and we had to settle for our third choice of movies. We ended up seeing Sherlock Holmes. I thought it was pretty good. There was a dark plot but in the end the bad guys didn’t prevail which was good. There was a little bad language and only one brief (back) nudity scene but the plot made it unsuitable for really young children.

After the movie we went and visited relatives and ate again. It seems that all we did was eat over the holidays. Which brings me to today; Its’ D day here and the D stands for Diet. As of today I am officially on a diet. And this time I mean it. I know what you are thinking; I have heard this before but this time it’s for real. Mark my words I am going to lose weight and I will start today since I have a dentist appointment this afternoon and most likely won’t be able to eat tonight. So wish me luck. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Oh we also saw something about the Morgans or something like that over the weekend. It too was good and had a great ending. (for a chick flick) I am back at work this morning but the rest of you have a great day,


Hey Greg,

Thanks for commenting on my blog's this morning. I've been out of the loop for a few weeks. But, I'm looking forward to getting into the bloggie world again.

Glad your Christmas was so peaceful, mine was, too! I'm thanking God for that. First one since my dad stepped into heaven, I was concerned that it would be hard. God gave us grace that we needed to focus on the important stuff!

Have a wonderful week!

sara said…
glad you had a great Christmas!! Ours was quiet too....perfect.

I am back to work today to, but have the late shift.

have a great week!
Andrea said…
Sounds like a great Christmas. I/we enjoyed a wonderful time playing with our sweet granddaughter.

Blessings, andrea
Merry Christmas Greg! Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Like you, we ate and watched movies. We saw "UP," (so cute although I cried like a baby), The Family Stone (Funny and touching) and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (adorable and lots of good messages).

I'm with you on D Day. Started last night by not consuming the mac and cheese and flan my mother made. Wasn't easy, but it has to be done.

Good luck to you!
Good morning Greg!

Your Christmas sounds a lot like ours. It was quiet, peaceful, smaller than usual, but very blessed. It was one of the best we've had in a long time.

I wish you well on the diet...but remember to throw in some exercise with it! I think you already do, but just in case.

Have a happy new year!
Beth Herring said…
Greg - so thankful you had a great Christmas - peaceful at that!

Will be saying a prayer for you dentist appointment. At least it will help to jump start that diet!

Love to you
Edie said…
Hey Greg! I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. A little peace is always a little like heaven if you ask me. :)

I'd say your meetup with your wife's cousin sounds quite providential.

I've been focusing on what Mary and Joseph went through and the faith and courage they had to remain obedient to God too. It's pretty humbling.

I'm going to work on eating healthier and exercise again. Why is this such a discipline??? :)

Rich blessings to you and yours for the New Year!
Heckety said…
I'm glad you had a good Christmas. Some days are like gifts, to be treasured and taken out and looked at when you need peace, or encouragement, or whatever. Store up the day!
Kelly said…
Diet...the spirit is willing but the FLESH IS WEAK! Oh dear. I need to start this disipline too. Heaven help me!

Glad you had a great Christmas! Us too!
Lori said…
Hi Greg, Yes, I am blogging again. It has been a while but trying to tackle a full time job and two part time job has been hard. I had settling into a good routine now and have a little more time.

I'm glad to wrote about Sherlock movie because we are thinking about seeing it on New Years.

I'll be back!!

Carmen said…
Glad you had a peaceful Christmas! It's a wonderful way to celebrate.
We spent our Christmas in simlar ways. Everything except the movies! I am glad that oyu enjoyed your quiet and peaceful Christmas! At first I was afraid that you were going to say that you ran into a deer! HA!

Good luck on your D-day, mine will start the 2nd. I just can't start mine yet until I make that fudge pie and consume it on New Year's Day!!
Heart2Heart said…

I just started reading this amazing book called the One Day Way diet book. I know like all books we've read they all pretty much sound like the same thing, except for this one. You work on your diet one day at a time. Forget long term goals. You do what you can for one day only. Each day you start all over again and in the end you eventually achieve your results and win!

Sounds like your Christmas was heavenly, peace and quiet was something I got a lot of too!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hi Greg! So glad to hear your Christmas was all that it should be. Best of luck on your diet quest, we all need luck in that area!

Happy and Healthy New Year to you and Yours!
Sounds like a great Christmas to me!

Good luck with the diet. ugh! I refuse to step on the scales but I know I added a few pounds this month too. I'm an awful dieter. I end up starving myself until I feel like I'm going to faint and then eat 2 Cheeze Nips. Of course it works fast until you eat your first meal and then you gain it all back. Hhhmm...you would think I would learn.

Have a terrific New Year!
My ADHD Me said…
Don't you just love it when you go and leave comments at multiple blogs and then realize that your son was already logged in!!
aka Will Smith
Beverlydru said…
Hi Greg! I always enjoy stopping by. Glad you are enjoying a special Christmas with your family. According to my book of rules, Christmas extends through January 1. THEN it's time to get on the scale. Sweet mercy.
Wanda said…
Greg is sounds like you had the perfect Christmas.

We were a little more noisy with all our clan together, but had a marvelous time too.

My ADHD Me said…
You are in the right place for New Years Eve. The drunks rule the roads on nights like tonight.

I couldn't believe it when my 18 year old and his girlfriend stayed here for the evening. After midnight he took her home, about 3 miles, and that was their "wild" new years eve.LOVE IT!
My ADHD Me said…
HHmm, it posted and I wasn't done.Was just going to say that when I was 18 years old and it was new years eve, I KNOW I wasn't that responsible!

Have a wonderful 2010!!

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