Random Dozen Holiday Edition.

First off I would like to apologize for being a really bad blogger buddy. I am so far behind in my blog visits I am ashamed to post today at all. It is kind of like when you know you haven't been to the doctor and you know when you do go the doctor is going to scold you so you put it off even longer. But I did want to post today so I am doing the random dozen thingy again so here goes.

1. Which physical trait do you now accept--maybe not love, but accept--and no longer feel extremely self-conscious about? My grey hair. At least I still have some hair. My brothers are all going bald. And besides that “Just for men” is so expensive and doesn’t last.

2. This week Meredith Baxter Birney, best known as the mom on the favorite 80s sitcom "Family Ties" came out of the closet, which led me to formulate this question: Who do you think is/was the best TV mom? (like that was a surprise) Well certainly not her. I never cared for that show. It had some really great actors and actresses but when you put them all together it did nothing for me. (Sort of like mixing chili with ice cream.) Anywhoo, I think June Cleaver was a great mom. She was always dressed so nicely.

3. Do you speak any foreign languages? Are there any you'd like to learn? Yes I speak German and can ask someone if they like sausages and say I like you but that is about it. I would like to learn Spanish because there are so many Spanish people around. I am also pretty good with ghetto slang. Yo whasssup dog? That means hello, what’s new? See!!

4. Who is your personal hero? Does Catwoman count? I think she was just Perrrrrrfect.

5. What is one holiday food that you find extremely difficult to resist over- indulging in? My father’s specialty which was shrimp dip with bugles. I carry on the tradition and make it each year. When I was young, he would make it when he and my mother were going to a party. They would leave just a small portion for us kids, so out of necessity, I learned to make it myself.

6. Tell me about a Christmas decoration that has special meaning or sentimental value. That would be our crocheted ornaments. Right after we were married, we lived in a small neighborhood near town. There was an elderly lady that lived down the street that was very lonely. Her children never came to visit and she had very few friends. My wife met her one day while she was walking. She invited us to come over and we did and became friends. She just wanted someone to talk to. That Christmas, she gave us a box of handmade ornaments that she had crocheted. They were white snowflakes and they were starched flat. She has since passed but we still have the ornaments and hang them on the tree every year.

7. How do you feel about snow? I like to look at it and play in it but I hate driving in it. I like watching it fall when it is very quiet and you can hear the flakes.

8. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night? Not that I'm jealous of any number over three or anything. “6” I go to bed at 9 and usually wake up around 3. Sometimes I lay there until 4 when I am feeling a little tired.

9. Tell me about your first crush. I had a crush on my second grade teacher. I still have a photo of her somewhere. I will find it and post it on my blog one day.

10. You're stuck in a room for 2 hours with only a chalkboard and chalk. What will you write/draw? All work and no play make Greg a dull boy, all work and no play make Greg a dull boy, all work and no play…….

11. Do you dress for the current temp or for the day's forecast? Usually I dress for the current temp. I take a chance that the forecast may be wrong. It often is.

12. Favorite Christmas movie is? Without a doubt “White Christmas”, I watch it every year. My wife loves “Christmas in Connecticut” Neither of us cares for “It’s a wonderful life” although we both love Jimmy Stuart.

Dee bad da, dee bad da, de bad da, that’s all folks,
Have a great day,


Kelly said…
Hi Greg! I haven't been a good blog visitor either. I am trying to mainly just do my holiday stuff, but am taking a few minutes this morning to go "visiting" and tell everyone to have a Merry Christmas!

I like June Cleaver too. You'd never catch her in a sweat suit with a greasy pony tail in her hair. :-)

Enjoy your Christmas season with your family!!!! I pulled out my reindeer pin (you made it for me last year) and am enjoying it very much. I think of you when I wear it.

Merry Christmas!
Uh, the Eartha Kitt Catwoman?! haha
Loved your answers, Greg. You add so much to the meme.
Angie said…
Love answer # 3.

Shrimp Dip with bugles...sounds yummy! Maybe you should post the recipe?

Love your answer about the Christmas decorations. It's nice that she is being remembered.

White Christmas is the best!
Heidi said…
Oh, you've been gone, too? Well at least I'm not the only one. I know what you mean about the feeling, but- life is what it is and blogging does take up a lot of time (though I enjoy spending time doing it :) I'm going to try to get back now, too.

Catwoman is an interesting answer.
Watching snow fall is wonderful. Shoveling fallen feet of snow is another story...here in Michigan, we shovel several feet each winter.

Big storm a comin' our way today too. Much snow predicted.
Heart2Heart said…

I just think that people are getting along with their priorities and getting ready for Christmas. Holiday baking, gift buying, Christmas cards to mail, gifts to wrap and decorating as well as finishing up the final weeks of school with the kids before Christmas break.

Love that you still posted and I loved learning more about the shrimp dip and Bugles! Sounds interesting and yummy! Time to share!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
SouthLakesMom said…
#5 - must post recipe! I LOVE dips!

#6 - what a sweet story. You must have really given her the love she needed. Last year I helped clean out a house of a woman who had died the prior month. The realtor told me she had no kids and no one even knew she was gone for a several days. It made me resolve to check on my elderly neighbors more frequently!
Terri Tiffany said…
Lol You go to bed at 9 too? Is this an age thing or what??? Now we don't feel so bad down here.
Unknown said…
I love White Christmas!!!! I hate driving in the snow too....people get so stupid!! ;-)
Laughed out loud at your answer to #4, I never heard about the Shrimp Dip with Bugles. Your answer to #6 made me feel really good inside. I bet those ornaments are special to you.
I've been way behind on blog visits since we left on vacation and I just can't seem to get back in the groove - all that to say no worries about you lack of visiting, it seems to be going around.

Catwoman - ha!

#6 is very sweet.

Oh, and I'd love that shrimp dip recipe.
I've been way behind on blog visits since we left on vacation and I just can't seem to get back in the groove - all that to say no worries about you lack of visiting, it seems to be going around.

Catwoman - ha!

#6 is very sweet.

Oh, and I'd love that shrimp dip recipe.
Amy said…
Your foreign language answer reminded me of the movie Airplane when a women tells the stewardess that she speaks jive...cracks me up every time.

Now that I think of it I think that actress played June Cleaver...

Things have a way of coming around full circle sometimes

Monogram Queen said…
I've been blogging but nothing you wouldn't wanna miss!

June Cleaver with those pearls with out a doubt!
I love snow and really want some!
My favorite Christmas show is "Christmas Story"
My ADHD Me said…
You definitely aren't alone about getting behind on reading and or posting.

(By the way, "Yo, wassup dog? My name is MyADHDMe. I used to be a blogger myself and then got so far behind that I thought I had better reintroduce myself!)

As for gray hair. I have never seen a man that looked bad because of gray hair. Usually it just makes them look distinguished. WHICH, by the way, isn't fair because all it does for me is make me look older!!
Heckety said…
Fun! Lid's random dozen generate some really interesting comments and I enjoyed yours!
Beverlydru said…
I think there's an unwritten understanding that once your blog friends for over a year, there's lots of grace about visits and posts. Maybne I'll write my understanding of the priniciples for a post! Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your moments. And days.
I want some of that shrimp dip with bugles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
larkswing said…
Yo homey, I be sittin here diggin your post, word up!

Great list as always, bugles and shrimp dip? hmmm, I love shrimp dips, but bugles? Not too fond of those, but that might be the trick - dip them in the dip!

I don't drive in snow, for goodness sake, we are in the south! If it snows it is a holiday as it should be -lol! just teasing but oh so true too!
Lucy Marie said…
Everyone seems to say that like White Christmas. I didn't even think of that one when I was answering these questions. But now, because everyone has said it, I guess I will have to make a point to dig it out and watch it this holiday season!
Unknown said…
wooo... its so long to read. nice article thanks for sharing this with us.

Motorcycle Clothing

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