Thankful Thursday 2010

I am thankful for making it through another year and that I have a brand new year ahead of me that I pray is filled with lots of wonderful things. Although 2009 wasn’t the best year for us we did better than most.

I am thankful for this cold weather. Although I have to get up early every morning just to keep the fires going, and the fire building is taking the place of my morning workouts, this cold will be thinning out the mosquito and sand gnat populations. So hopefully this spring we will be able to enjoy the outdoors. You people from the South know what I am talking about.

I am thankful that I have enough wood to keep the house and greenhouse warm. We are planning on building another greenhouse soon so if you have any spare oak logs lying around give me a call. That is if it’s cut and split…and you deliver…for free. I can dream can’t I?

I am thankful that I still have a job. I still have two in fact and they are keeping us alive in this struggling economy. And even though my office isn’t all that warm it’s a lot warmer than the 25 degrees it is outside right now. I could have an outside job. That would stink. I am sorry if you don’t have a job or have to work outside.

I am thankful for the possibility that we might have snow tomorrow morning. I know the kids are hoping for a snow day. If we have one flake here in Charleston, they will cancel school. Once the word gets out that there is snow in the area people start driving like mad men. You can expect a rash of accidents even though none of it sticks. I think it is kind of like a shopper’s frenzy. People lose their minds.

Have a great day and please join us over at Sonya’s blog for Thankful Thursday.


I am thankful it's Thursday...just another day in paradise. (at least that's what I try to tell myself)
Deb said…
Believe it or not, the schools decided on Tuesday that they were going to let out at 11:30 today!!! And you can't find a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread within miles of here!! I'll never understand that one...I grew up in Chicago, lived in Indiana and Colorado and I can't help but get tickled and roll my eyes at the panic around here!!
Have a great day!
Andrea said…
I am thankful for another new day, a warm home, and a beautiful family.
My friend, you are still getting your morning workout...carrying wood and keeping fires going wears me slap out!! You have just simply replaced your regular workout with different kind of workout!!
Monogram Queen said…
It is always good to remember to be thankful. I try, lord knows I try (about the job especially).
It looks like snow/ice here too. I've already alerted my manager that I probably won't be here as Maddie's pre-school is good about closing and I can't blame them. Of course my lovely company does not give a @#$% if we risk life and limb as long as we are here - so they never 'close'! Ah, C'est La Vie! Vive Le Neige! J'aime la neige!
achildoftheking said…
Cool site Greg. I said that before; I'm sayin it again. LOL. Nice list too.
SusanD said…
I'm right there w/you on #4. So great to have a job....indoors. :) We're having a snow day here too. We got quite a bit, actually. I'm thankful for covered parking. Blessings, SusanD
Terri Tiffany said…
Snow???? gulp. Keep it up there please.
Heart2Heart said…

Well here is hoping that 2010 is a year filled with so many blessings for you and your family. May God bring you a job filled with opportunities to really enjoy what you do and in the meantime you can continue to blog and keep us all in smiles.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I am glad you've joined in this week! Happy New Year and Happy Thankful Thursday!

We are hoping for a snow day tomorrow in VA, too!

You are right, as soon as it starts to snow people freak out and just drive into each other! LOL!
Nana Jul said…
Warmth by the fire...I would want to snuggle under a warm blanket...I would have a hard time getting ready for work...but thankful to have work indeed!
Great list Greg
Edie said…
Well did that snowflake appear? :)

It's below freezing here too and I have been thinking about and praying for the homeless a lot this week. I am SO thankful for the comforts God has given me.
2cats said…
Living in Minneosta I can't imagine a school closing for a flake of snow. We had a 38 inch blizzard in 1991 and the school didn't close. Not early the day it snowed and not the next day. But that was just craziness.
I liked your thankfuls. I think I just made a word.
Love the cold too....and your list!
Mrs. Miller said…
Great list. Praise God for your heat, job, joy and possible snow day. I'm jealous. Where I am in Colorado, we've gotten 14in of snow over night and it's still snowing... and we still have school the next day.
Wanda said…
I think it's great that you take the time each week to have your thankful list.

I thankful it's Thursday.... I thought it was Friday all day!
I'm with you, Greg. Plenty to be thankful for.
Heckety said…
Thinning out the bug population sounds pretty good to me! We've had snow here but its the ice and treacherous driving conditions which has brought the place to a halt. Snow is normal, for a day or two at a time, but sub-zero is not and many towns have finished their grit and salt supplies. The hospitals are full of broken bones and yup. car accidents galore. Not funny. Thanks be that our car was glued together for the time being after the two prangs.
You take care.
Beverlydru said…
Happy New Year, Greg! I saw a sign yesterday that said "Be Humbly Grateful... it's better than Grumbly Hateful." Glad you chose the first.

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