Thankful Thursday (going solo)

Those of you that have been following the Thankful Thursday posts over at Sonya’s blog may have noticed that Sonya is no longer leading the charge. She did a great job at getting this thing going though and because some of us enjoy it so much we are going to go it alone. I decided to use this photo that I took a few years back of a sunrise in Florida for my Thankful Thursday posts since a sunrise signals a new beginning. So here goes my Thankful Thursday list;

I am thankful that my muscles are finally starting to hurt a little less. As you may or may not know, I started a new exercise routine this week called Body Pump. The class is mostly made up of women because the exercises aren’t tough enough for men to do. That’s what men say anyway. Two days after my first class, my arms are still sore. So I know the real reason men shy away from this class.

I am thankful for a few warm days that we have this week. It will give me time to get more wood staged for the next cold snap. That will be coming on Sunday by the way.

I am thankful that my car is running ok. It looks like my wife needs a new transmission but so far my car just needs a front end alignment. It gave me a scare though over the last few days. For about the last week, I have been hearing a metal sound when I turned a sharp corner. I was thinking that something in the steering was going and I dreaded the thought of that. Then I heard the sound again this morning and it sounded like it was coming from under my seat. I looked and there under my seat was a can of hair spray. My wife took my car to get the oil changed last week and apparently left her hairspray under the seat. Every time I turned sharply it would roll to the side and hit on the seat support causing a little metal to metal noise. I am so glad I found that.

Along with the transmission problems above I am also thankful that we have a friend who owns a transmission shop and will be checking things out for us. At least it is someone we can trust. And I am also thankful that we have an extra truck that my wife can drive until we get her car fixed.

I am thankful for all the blog friends who will be doing Thankful Thursday along with me this week even without our leader. Let me know if you are participating and I will check your list out too.

Have a great day,


SusanD said…
Hey Greg, This is a great list. I'm glad your muscle are no longer rebelling against you. :) I had a TT post ready to go today, but God laid this on my heart to post instead. I'll be with you next week. Blessings, SusanD
So much to be thankful for.

Bet you never thought you'd be thankful for a can of hairspray, huh? That's too funny.
Carmen said…
Great list Greg! Love the hairspray conspiracy. If it's not deer....
Have a great day!
Susan Skitt said…
LOL about the hairspray rattling! I think it's great that you're going to continue your Thankful Thursday! Look forward to reading more.
Kelly said…
Laughing about the hairspray! love it! Glad your muscles are feeling better.

Good for you for leading the Thankful Thursday charge!!! Go Greg!

I'm going to do it some weeks, but didn't get it done this week. I have a 5 yr old home sick from school yesterday & today, so not much time for blogging.

See ya!
Great list. The exercise thing reminded me of a guy friend of mine who took an aerobics class "to meet girls". It kicked his behind and then he was soooo mad because he was sore!
Amy said…
My mom told me to marry a car will save you lots of money in the long run. Ha Ha!!

Love the can of hairspray, she was probably wondering where it went just as you were finding it.

Great post
Terri Tiffany said…
Sorry about your hurting arms! I am trying to do some lifting of weights again and my neck is complaining alot!
Have a good day what's left of it. Well, then tomorrow too!
Beth Herring said…
Got a good laugh about the hairspray can... The other day, I kept hearing some weird music playing when I would turn a corner and it kept getting worse and worse, until it wouldn't ever stop. I finally got down under the seat and looked and found my youngest granddaughter's (Mercie) little toy cell phone and evidently the batteries went wacko and it kept playing! Thought I was losing it for sure!HA!

Have a great weekend Greg,
Heidi said…
I love my hairspray.

Didn't know Truth4theJourney wasn't spearheading this anymore. I went over to her place and got the scoop,though.

Thanks for the comment the other day- I'm well. Just living life over here, so heavily the blogs got squished out of the frame for a while.
Ashley Shaun said…
wao what a very good view i like it. thanks for sharing with us.

Motorcycle Clothing

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