Just a thought

I am thinking about leading the Thankful Thursday group. I have a lot to do to get to that point where I get Mr. Linky up and running and I can figure out the ins and outs of this all but I am heading in that direction. Let me know what you think? All is well here on the Island. Work has been really hectic and so have a lot of other things but I am managing.

Last night we were out in the front yard and a bald eagle flew right over our heads. He circled for a while as if he was looking for something then flew off. Today we found a little bluebird in our front yard that had been injured. We have him in a shoe box and are hoping he makes it until the morning. Keep thinking positive and let me know what you think about the Thankful Thursday. No matter what I will be posting my list on Thursday.

I am trying out Mr. Linky. No need to sign up for this one unless you want to give it a try. If you want to though you can do it. I am working on the other parts or the post. If you are still reading I just added the photo that I plan on using. That is if it looks good. :)

Just FYI, I borrowed this Thankful Thursday Mr. Linky until I get my own generated. It is a learning process for me but I am a fast learner. So if you click on the links below the sign up list you will be taken to someone else's blog who also does a Thankful Thursday. No fair leaving me for them now. :) I may have this all corrected by tomorrow but I am not sure if I will yet so bear with me please. Or should I say; "Your comment is important to us however all of our service representatives are assisting other customers at this time. please stay on the line and the next available technician will be with you shortly. We apologize for making you wait."

One last thing; Apparently I need to upgrade to show more than one Mr. Linky. I will have that done by next week but right now I had to delete this one so that I could put on on the next post.

Have a great day,


Skoots1moM said…
you know, when she announced she wouldn't be doing it for a while, you were the first to pop in my head as taking it over...
you'd be great at hosting it!
Wanda said…
Greg I can't think of anyone better to lead that group. You thankful Thursdays are a big hit.

Yes, you should!!!
Go for it, Greg!

(Sending out positive thoughts for the little blue bird.)
Heckety said…
Yes please! Yes please! And having done a My Linky of my own last week, I have to say its not nearly as hard as I thought. I went to Sonja's TT and got into Mr Linky from there and then designed my own for what I wanted to do.
FYI_ your thankfuls are ones I almost always read and I'm sure others are the same. I think we need someone to host?
Beverlydru said…
Hi Greg! Enjoyed reading and catching up and I think you'd be a perfect host. I think a new button would be in order but I know someone who does buttons. : ) (
Monogram Queen said…
You are the thankful inspiration for many so I say a resounding "Yes"!
Heart2Heart said…

I am sure that Sonya would be honored to have you pick that up! You have my vote for sure.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Lori said…
i think u should concerned doing it. U r great and always very thankful for what the Lord has provided for u and your family.
Lori said…
BTW- you know how much i love your thankful Thursday thoughts.
I love your Thankful Thursdays! I think you should do it.

And I'll be praying for your little birdy.
Kelly said…
I'll give it a try on Thursday! Good for you.
Heidi said…
I tried it out. It seems to have worked. Yes, lead the Thankful Thursdays- I'm in!
Anonymous said…
waw... it's cool...
I love the new picture, Greg! It's perfect!! I'm so grateful that you are taking this on. I was concerned about letting it go, but knew I needed to. now God has provided a perfect new host! YOU!

So, for my first TT, I'm thankful that you were willing to take this on. May God bless you and the participants and may He be glorified through Thankful Thursdays!!
Edie said…
You're going to be a great host Greg! Sonya couldn't have made a better choice.

How's that little bluebird doing?

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