Sunset in SC

I got home late tonight. As I was loading my car with my gym clothes for tomorrow, I saw the most beautiful sunset. I stood there in awe for a few moments and then decided to go get my camera. In the few moments it took to get in and out of the house the sun sank a little lower and the lighting was different. Although the clouds are roughly in the same position, the colors aren't quite as brilliant as they were when I first observed them. Never less this is what it looked like:

It made me wonder just how many beautiful sunsets or other things I have missed by only a few moments.

Have a great day,


Wanda said…
I know how you feel. I've felt the same way......where is the camera when I need it.

Greg ~~ it's still a lovely sky and you got to see the sunset..That's good!
God is so generous to display His majesty all around us. I agree, I wonder how many we miss by just a few seconds, too. Thankfully, He is faithful to direct us to them from time to time.
B His Girl said…
Today I had such a big laugh with God. So glad I didn't miss His smile as my friend and I were talking about Him. I think sometimes we get too busy to notice all the beauty around us. Glad you saw His painting in the sky. Hope you are doing good. B
Heart2Heart said…
You know whats amazing Greg, is how much more brilliant sunsets are when there are clouds. Other wise they are still beautiful but not quite as spectacular.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Heidi said…
I just missed a wonderful opportunity for reconciliation by just a few moments. I didn't catch the sunset tonight either. Hmm. Must not be my day.
Heckety said…
That's lovely! I think as long as we notice as much as possible its ok, and there's always something to see of God's beauty in Nature whenever we do manage to stop a moment. But I get what you are saying and the answer is - LOADS!
Beautiful Sunset! I know we have been having some amazing sunsets out here too!

Oh by the way I fixed my prayer button for Kat at Heart to Heart. Now you can just copy the code on the right side bar.


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