Thankful Thursday #67

Hello everyone and welcome to Thankful Thursday. This is my first week doing this all by myself. I had a lot of help and encouragement in getting this set up which leads me to my first Thankful "Items" or should I say people.

I want to thank Sonya and Edie for helping me get started. I am not the most blogger literate person so it took a lot of cattle prodding to get me over several humps. Don’t worry the scars should heal from where they kept poking me but I admit that I deserved it and needed it. Hopefully all that is behind me now. Notice I said Hopefully. We will see!!!

I am thankful that we have some warm weather on the way. Despite the fact that I had more firewood than any previous year, our supply is getting a little low. It looks like we are going to make it but we by no means have a lot left.

I am thankful that my wife and youngest son chopped so much wood this past summer. It was nice not having to split it when the weather was cold. My youngest is still doing some wood splitting but we don’t “have” to which is nice. He just likes splitting wood. We split wood the old fashion way. With a sledge hammer and wedges. It’s great exercise. And speaking of exercises;

I am thankful for another great Body Pump class this week. As some of you know I switched from spinning to body pump because it gives me a better overall workout and also because the hours are better. Body Pump looks easy but it is harder than you can imagine. It is basically aerobics with light weights and it is tough. By the end of the hour, my arms are shaking and I can barely lift them much less the weights. Try it if you want a great workout. Most gyms offer it.

I am very thankful that I have some major work projects behind me now. I finished the roof which saved us around 2000 dollars. That was a biggie. I also got the tiller and the shredder running. My next project is to fix the transmission on the riding mower. Talk about a jack of all trades. I thank God that I have the ability to do all these things and more. God gives each of us special talents but for some reason he gave me more than my share.

Have a great Thankful Thursday, Please sign in below to join in or if you wish just leave a comment. And feel free to grab my button on the side. Everyone is welcome here.



Heckety said…
Next week I'll get the button! Doing things in stages, you know? And I'm thankful you have taken this TT mantel on...makes you sound like a fireplace- ha ha! Incendiary Greg- not what you were aiming for perhaps???
You have a lot to be thankful for today! I'm excited that warmer weather is on its way, too. I'm ready for spring.

I'm so excited that you are hosting the Thankful Thursdays now! God is good.

Sonya Lee
Always enjoy checking in with you on Thursdays, Greg. It starts my day with a good attitude and a smile. Have a great one!
Beth Herring said…
Love your list Greg - you have a great family and much to be thankful for. Thanks for doing this!

Carmen said…
You truly are blessed!
achildoftheking said…
I thank God for all the online blogs I follow. It's great to have you Greg.
Kelly said…
Great list Greg. I really appreciate your positive attitude. :-)
Heart2Heart said…

Honestly is there anything you can't fix? You truly are a jack of all trades and master of them as well.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Edie said…
As I said before, you are a great choice to lead TT. Where do you find time with all those projects. Wow you really have accomplished a lot.

I love the way God went ahead of you and made sure you had enough firewood chopped to get you through this season of global warming.

We have had sunshine for two days now and I am doing the happy dance! Woo Hoo!
Wanda said…
Wow, that is a big job, getting that Thankful Thursday set up. It's always a pleasure to read you list, and get to know you just a little bit better.

Yes, it would be very helpful to have a husband who was a jack of all trades...but I'll stick with my Preacher Man, who can't fix much, but he can preach a great sermon, does lovely weddings, and the best funeral you'll ever get!!
I'm very thankful for my Hubby!
Denise said…
Enjoyed your post.
Nancie said…
Thank God for blessing you in many wonderful ways!
Sandy said…
Greg, Thank you for doing this! I like to read all of your posts.

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