Thankful Thursday, Spring has sprung.

I have so much to be thankful for this week so let me get right to my list. Yes it is only Wednesday night but I discovered that a lot of you blog after midnight and since this is a Thursday post it will be Thursday when you read this. Feel free to comment early. :)

First and foremost on my list is the fact that my Brother in Law is home safely from the hospital. He had some heart problems but he seems to be doing fine now. Do you remember when you could go into the hospital for anything this side of a common cold and they would keep you over night just to make sure you were ok? These days you go in for a heart procedure and they want to send you home less than 24 hours later. Either we are getting stronger or the insurance companies are.

I am so thankful that I am doing better as far as my allergies. This was the worst year for as long as I can remember but I am starting to do better. I have actually gotten sleep for two nights in a row now. I continue to exercise too and I think I may even be building a few muscles. Yes it’s true.

I am again thankful for all my blogger friends. I get so much support from you all. I appreciate all your comments on here and the emails that I sometimes get from you. This is a great support group. So when is the blogger convention?

I am thankful for all the rain we had this spring. My garden is doing very well and it won’t be long before we are eating fresh vegetables. The strawberries are in on our island too and I am thinking about going to get some soon. There is nothing quite like fresh fruit and vegetables. Buy local when you can people.

I am thankful that God is in control and displaying His power every day. I know a lot of people think the world is about to come to an end and everything is going badly but there are millions of little miracles happening all around us if we just look for them. Lately I have had to resist the urge to get revenge on some people who I felt needed to get theirs. I was patient however and sure enough they got their just “reward” from their own wrong doing. Be patient, let God handle the revenge. That’s my advice for you today.

Have a great Day,



Wanda said…
What a Thankful Thursday indeed.

Let me know when they schedule the Blogger Convention....Now Greg wouldn't that be fun. No one would be able to get a word in edgewise!!!

Glad the allergies are better. And yes, there are miracles happening around us everyday...we just need to open our eyes and see them.

Love and Hugs
Rena Jones said…
That's great, Greg. I'm glad to hear your BIL is doing good. I know what you mean about being in and out of hospitals. I was in hospital for 6 days for a surgery in the 70s and then it was done as an outpatient thing in the 90s.
Great list as always...and like you, we buy local!!!
What a great spring/thankful list. I'm glad you are feeling better, too. And I think the insurance companies have gotten stronger.

God is still in control - no matter what is going on in our big world. I love how you have reminded us to look for the little miracles.

Just yesterday, my 9yo son pulled me outside to show me 4 gorgeous butterflies on this one flowering bush. That is one of God's little miracles. :-)

achildoftheking said…
Thank you for your transparency Greg. I did something a little different this week. I'll be back next week. You can find my post here. Happy Thursday!
Debbie said…
If you are doing better this year with your allergies, that is really something to be thankful for! My poor 16 year old son is miserable with his.
Great Thankful Thursday. I am glad your allergies are getting better. The pollen this year is insane.

I hope your brother in law continues to do well. I think that new 24 hour thing is pure craziness. My husbands BF had open heart surgery and they released him from the hospital like 2 or 3 days later..I don't get it.
Beth Herring said…
Thursday crept up on me and I didn't get a post done - then I came here and saw wednesday as the date and got really confused!

I am glad that your BIL is home and doing well. I will pray for his continued recovery.

Happy your allergies are being held at bay - will pray for you as well!

Great post and I will catch ya next week!
Terri Tiffany said…
So glad to read that you are doig better and that your BIL is too:)I'm still in hibernation until I see no more green on my car!
Heidi said…
Another five reasons to be happy and thankful. Glad your bil is doing better.

I didn't get to Thankful Thursday this week. I had to homeschool, then work, then celebrate Fash's new job, then I was too tired.

Next time...
Marisete Zanon said…
God Is Amazing!!!
debseveryday said…
Really enjoyed your post!
Stefan Bauer said…
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Heckety said…
Well you may have done your Thankfuls on Wednesday, but I did mine on Friday- obviously, since you took over the meme, Thursdays have become a whole lot longer!!!
I discovered what 'Spin Class' is this week (not what I thought) and I now have total and utter respect for you!

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