Thankful Thursday, We can do this

Hello everyone and welcome to Thankful Thursday. To tell the truth I woke up this morning, unprepared, thinking that I would only write a goodbye post and graciously bow out of blogging forever. Life isn't easy for me these days. I have more problems than most people would be able to deal with. Between family, work and financial commitments I am just about broke. My mental and physical bank account is drained and there is no relief in site. However through it all, I keep getting little glimpses of hope and that keeps me going. When I logged on this morning to make that goodbye post, I had some great comments on my last post. Those little comments (along with some really strong coffee) gave me the strength to keep moving and not give up. So here are the little things I am thankful for this morning;

I am thankful for the person at work who told me this week that they didn't mind helping me because I am a nice person.

I am thankful for the two 100's that my youngest son brought home from school yesterday. I knew he could do it.

I am thankful for my oldest son who is picking up the slack while I work these 10 hour days. Living out in the country like we do makes it hard to do all those errands when I have to work late.

I am thankful for my wife who is out there every day watering the garden for us with a brace on her foot. She is hurting but she keeps doing what she can.

And finally I am thankful for all the great comments that I get on my blog. You never know the difference one little comment can make in someone's life. When life gets us down, it's nice to know we are not alone. And I would like to apologize for not visiting your blogs like I used to. As soon as this life slows down I will get back to it.

Have a great day,


Monogram Queen said…
I am Thankful you are not giving up blogging!!!!
Beth Herring said…
I just thank God for you! Do NOT ever give up blogging. You are adorable!

Remember precious brother - "Sometimes in our deepest darkness, we tap into God's greatest Grace"
achildoftheking said…
Thank you for taking the time to post Greg. I can relate to living in the country and working in the city.... God loves you and wishes that you not give up. He doesn't give up on you... he keeps at it until He gets through. I know from experience. Happy Thursday!
Hi Greg,

You're so right when you say that one never know the difference a comment makes!

Here's a word from you today, straight from God: Proverbs 3:3-6
(New International Version)

"Let love and faithfulness never leave you;bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.

Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Hope you're encouraged today!
I can relate to being down in the dumps and I will be praying for you! Greg, you're the best-est BBFF and please keep on, keepin' on! You are the greatest!! Now that's that! From one BFF to another...{{{HUGS}}}
Terri Tiffany said…
I was shocked and saddened when I started reading this. You can't leave the blogsphere--you've touched too many lives and besides--our families haven't met yet!!
I really do understand about the emotionally and finacially broke toll--trust me on that one--having you blogger friends is what has allowed me to survive (along with God). It is a safe nice place I can share and always get that much-needed support. Remember that this too will pass--I say that every day--and pray that God has a greater plan than I know about. Praying for you!
The Bug said…
Wow - I'm not even planning on quitting blogging & I'm uber-inspired by these comments! So you'd better stick around so I can get the benefit of your readers LOL.
Heart2Heart said…

I can only imagine how challenging work can be with you especially since they had to eliminate your ability to check in with us throughout the day now. Hang in there, God has many more blessings in store for you. Seriously who could I complain to when the things in the government aren't going as well as all those that voted for the "change" president. Well he did what he said, he is really changing things.

I am glad you don't leave.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Skoots1moM said…
praying you up...we've got shoulders anytime you need them.
we'd be lost without you, so don't you even think about going anywhere. We just might have to make a trip to Charleston...
hmmmm, sounds like a good idea!
Hang in their buddy...
Kelly said…
Greg, I am so sorry to hear you've been feeling down. I haven't been reading blogs much and struggle to get them written myself. Just a busy time, I guess. But I love your spirit of joy and I pray that God will fill you up!

Hang in there brother!
Justice Bird said…
"Thankful Thursdays" is a GREAT idea. I think it's so important to really appreciate all that we have, and we SO often forget to do just that. Thanks for reminding me!
Pratos de Ouro said…
Divulguem PF

Assim irei eu começar nesta caminhada pelos sitios mais agradáveis (ou não) que com o tempo vou visitando. este blog é isso mesmo, um espaço de convivio e quase que uma montra de espaços aconselhados para uns finais de manhã, tarde e noite.

Andrea said…
Hi Greg, I stumbled into your "store" through random cyber strolling and I am very glad I did, and on reading back I am also glad you have decided to stick with it....I will definitely be back to see how you get on.
Ann Maria T. said…
hey greg, am so proud that you aint quitting. just hang on! its always the darkest before dawn! :) keep smiling!
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