Thankful Thursday... I need a shovel.
I need a shovel because I may have to dig deep for this one. Seriously,even though I have a lot to be thankful for this week has been less than outstanding. Friday night our washing machine died. No biggie, we got two marginal years use out of it. It hasn't been the best investment we ever made. But thanks to the miracle of credit we were able to get a new one. And that was just the beginning of our week.
I went to the "other flea market" on Saturday to try and sell a few day lilies while they were blooming. Around 10, someone came up and said; Sir did you know your tire was flat? DOES IT EVER END? CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!!! So I packed up quickly and managed to make it to a gas station where I was able to pump up the tire before it went totally flat.
So on Saturday night I installed the new washer. The rest of the week was going well until today when my garden well pump sucked air and ruined the check valve and now I have to make major repairs. Ok enough whining. I am still thankful. Things could have been a lot worse. So here is my list.
I am thankful that we have great credit and it seems that everyone in town wants to lend us money. If you want to be added to that list just tell me what the interest rate is.
I am thankful that my tire didn't go flat while I was out in the sticks where there was no gas station.
I am thankful that I am able to install my own washing machine. I know a lot of people who have to call a plumber to do that.
I am thankful that I was able to figure out what was wrong with my water pump and right now I think I can fix it easily enough. Maybe I should be a plumber.
Oh I almost forgot. Last Thursday, when I went to the local dump site....There on the ground was a shovel. I guess it was a sign of things to come. I am thankful for the free shovel. :)
Have a great day and focus on the positive.
Glad you found that shovel - you never know when you need one of those...
Love you Thursday posts.
Many Blessings to you