Thankful Thursday, As time flys by

I cannot believe that tomorrow is Thursday already. Where did the week go? My only regret is that I had several posts planned but didn't have enough time to post them so here I am again with back to back Thankful Thursdays. Better that than nothing.
Ok first off if you follow me on Facebook (and I am sure everyone does, haha) then you know I passed a milestone in my life this week. One of my mother's favorite sayings was: "If I live to be a hundred and ten........" Well I am not a hundred and ten but I am half way there. And I am still alive and well.
I am also thankful that at the ripe old age of 55 I am still able to do more things than most people I know. I may be old but I feel young. God has been good to me and kept me whole.
I am thankful that I can still make a difference in people's lives. Even though I sometimes feel like I am taken for granted by people who I work with, I can see that I make a difference and I am happy with that.
I am thankful that even though I have my down moments, I still push to the top and get back on the positive note.
I am thankful for all my blog friends who stick with me through thick and thin. Yes I know my posting has been a bit thin lately but I am trying to do better. Thanks for sticking with me.
Have a great day,
I'm surprised you manage to do as much as you do - I was in Charleston for a very short time many years ago - and though it was late October, it was still way too hot for my northern blood (Grin)
So 55 you young whippersnapper! Now you can start getting those Senior Discounts... if you willing to be called a Senior.
You are one of the most positive men I know, and I love that about you. You can brighten a otherwise gloomy day.
Lead Foot Bug
I think lots of folks are struggleing with there blogging, me included!
We just keep at it and hope for the best. I think/hope things will even out in the fall!
Very thankful for today!
I've seen a lot more bloggers posting less lately. I think it's a good thing because people are getting back to their families and lives. Blogging should be a hobby and not a lifestyle.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Your Thankfuls are, as ever, totally grounded- you really do appreciate the important things in your living. What's NOT to stick with!!!
Today I'm thankful that when I stopped by Thankful Thursday was what your last post was - I needed a more positive perspective on life - so thanks!