Thankful Thursday. This is a tough one.

It’s Thankful Thursday again. I am not sure where to start this week. Life in general has been pretty trying for me lately. I have had mental trials, monetary trials and now physical trials.

I will start by saying I am thankful just to be alive. Without going into detail I have a number of medical problems at the moment but at least I am alive. Enough about that.

My mother isn’t doing well but at least she is hanging on. I have a friend who’s mother is 20 years younger and she isn’t doing well either. The mother that is. And my mother’s problems are minor compared to her mother’s problems. I am thankful that she is 82 and still around.

Oh I just realized that my eye is feeling better. I know I said I wouldn’t dwell on my medical problems but my eye got infected today for some reason. I just put drops in it and it is feeling better now. I am thankful for modern medicine.

I am thankful that I avoided an accident the other day. This crazy diver was texting in heavy traffic and she almost slammed into me. After that she quit texting though but soon I noticed that she was scratching off instant lottery tickets while driving. Some people amaze me.

I am thankful for little signs of hope. The other day while I was driving home, my son noticed that there was a huge cross in the sky made of clouds. He tried to get a photo of it but failed. All I can say was that it was amazing. I told him it was a sign and he asked if I was serious. I just said maybe it is, who knows.

Have a great Thankful Thursday,


Wanda said…
I can relate to your eye infection... I blew my nose so hard (allergies) that I broke a blood should see my bloody eye. My dearest said "Please do not post your eye...." So I didn't.

Glad you like the picture of the deer and fawn in my daughter's back yard in Gold Beach, OR. Actually there are two fawns.. They named the mother Daisy, and the fawns, Bubble and Gum.

Have a great day Greg!
Heart2Heart said…

I have no doubt that God was truly providing you with a sign in the clouds today. I wonder just how many he shows us every day yet we are too busy to notice.

Praying that your mom and you are feeling much better soon, in fact believing it to be true already!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Beth Herring said…
greg, praying that things are looking up tonight! glad your eye is better!

i promise that wasn't me texting and driving! I don't live by you.....
I am sorry that your mother is having problems. I pray that things will get better. In the meanwhile, it is wonderful that you can find things to be grateful for. No matter how dark the sky gets, one knows that the sun will be out again. I think life is like that, too, just not always easy to feel that in our core. God bless you, your mother, and your friend's mother.
I will pray you improve, both mentally and physically.

Robin Lambright said…
Being able to recognize the small blessing during our personal trials is a true gift!

Robin Lambright said…
Being able to recognize the small blessing during our personal trials is a true gift!

Angel said…
Sometimes being thankful is an act of faith. I admire your faithfulness during such a trying time. Hang in there and may God bless you!
Unknown said…
Hi, I popped over from another site and really enjoyed the visit! What an encouraging idea with Thankful Thursday. :) Praying for you and your mom and your family. Have a blessed week.
God say in his word, In everything, give thanks... I do admire that attitude greg. We should still be thankful even if it seems -like everything is not going right or the way we expect them to be. God sees every situation and for sure that He's working things out for you because He loves you more than you'll ever know. God bless you bro!

Btw, I just followed you! Can you add me please?

You can see my entry here:
Monogram Queen said…
I've had some trials and tribulations too but, like you, remain thanful!
May things get considerably better for both of us, my friend! (HUG)
I always love coming here.
Hey Greg,

Better late than never, right?

Thanks for hosting this!
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