Thankful Thursday, here comes the rain again.

But this time it's real rain and not troubles I am writing about. Yes we had lots of rain today and we have a lot more on the way. But I am always thankful for the rain. That is unless it rains for 40 days and 40 nights. And that is only because my boat needs work.

I am also thankful that I have a warm dry place to lay my head. When I think about all the homeless people in the world I am very thankful to have my little house.

I am also thankful that we have food on the table and have never had to go hungry.

I am thankful that our plants are growing well now that we have had some rain.

And finally I am thankful that the part I wanted to get to fix the boat wasn't in stock. While I was waiting for it to come in, I did some more troubleshooting and I found out that it wasn't the part that I needed. Had the part been in stock, I would have gotten it and they don't take returns. That little setback turned out to be a blessing.

Have a great day,


Wanda said…
We are thankful for several of the same things this week.

As we ate a delicious meal of Shrimp Scampi, with tomatoes, spinach over noodles... I am thankful for a pantry filled with food. God is Good.

We had a little thunder storm and rain today.... and the little pink flowers you sent me are blooming...I think of you each time they raise their little heads.

Have a great week Greg!
Beth Herring said…
greg - i am thankful that you had literal rain and not just figurative rain this week! Praise God!

Thanks for doing this great thing each week. You bless many folks this way!
achildoftheking said…
Ah, yes, the rains. Great post Greg.
Loveleng said…
rain can be define as blessings from up above...and We have reason to be thankful for...nice post

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