Thankful Thursday, Senior Moment

This week I went to the Senior Center. No not to move in but to help out. Our company participates in the United Way Day of Caring and each year. If work allows, I try to volunteer. Last year we had to work but this year I was able to do it. This year we helped out at a local Senior Center and also at the homes of some of the seniors. Even though I said on my volunteer form that I was good with plants and gardening, I ended up at the center doing odd jobs. But it turned out to be great anyway.

I started my day by erecting handicap parking signs for the parking spaces. While we were doing this, one lady drove up and ran over my work bucket (which was not in the parking space). This leads me to believe that these signs were really needed. When she went inside I noticed that she had several nice scrapes on her car which told me that she may also need glasses. I guess I could say that I am thankful that it was the bucket and not me that got run over.

My next project was to wash handicap vans. These vans were about 8 or 9 feet tall and I had to get on a step ladder just to wash the top. It’s no wonder I can’t see around these big vans in my little 4 ft car. While on the ladder, someone handed me a pressure washer to “help me out” but when I pulled the trigger to rinse off the top of the van, it almost threw me off the ladder. I am thankful that I didn’t fall and get hurt. I made sure to brace myself before I tried that again.

After the “van wash”, it was time for lunch so I went inside and joined the others. There were about an equal number of workers and elderly people and we let them eat first. There was one older woman who reminded me of my late Grandmother Green and she refused to eat before the workers. After we all ate, she got in line and fixed her plate. She also went around and shook everyone’s hand and said thanks for helping out. After lunch I noticed her walking herself home. I am thankful for people like that who make it easy to help others out.

During lunch I noticed that another elderly woman had fixed her plate with two double cheeseburgers, one chili dog, two bags of chips and coleslaw. I thought; there is no way that this woman could possibly eat that much in one sitting and I was right. When she finished eating (the coleslaw and hotdog) she covered her plate with her napkin and took the rest home. I am so thankful that God provides for me and my family and that he allows me to provide for others when they are in need.

After lunch I laid bricks for a new walkway. They weren’t that heavy but the bending over about killed me. When I finished that I helped wash cars again. I did notice a few people who had also finished their jobs but they just stood around instead of pitching in somewhere else. I am thankful that I am not one of those people who can stand around watching other people work.

Finally about 2:30 all the jobs were coming to an end so I went inside to cool off. They were still cleaning up after lunch so I helped move tables which set the stage for the best part of the day. Some of the women that I work with were teaching line dances to some of the seniors. They were begging for some of us guys to join in but no one seemed to want to do it. Well I am not scared so I jumped out on the dance floor. One of the ladies who was trying to learn the “Electric Slide” said; No I don’t need anyone to show me, I will just watch him. (pointing to me) I still got it……. ok ok she was about 80 but Anywhoo…..

We all had a great time and I left feeling good about myself. And the best part is I made some new friends and I am thankful for that.

Have a great day,



Wanda said…
What an active Thursday!!And I love your Senior Moment. Dancing is one of your gifts, I take it. Better watch those gals that are 80 ~~ probably looking for a handsome hunk like you ~~that can dance.

Enjoyed the read!!
Beth Herring said…
Greg - that was a wonderful post! It just feels so good to help others, doesn't it?

i had major internet issues this morning before i left to go to the place i volunteer on thursdays and didn't get to post a TT.

i apologize and just want you to know that i was here in spirit :)
Carmen said…
Sounds like a wonderful day! I have to feel for the lady with the leftover food to take home...I'm so glad she was able to do that. Hope you're doing well! :)
Beth said…
Greg, I know your activities were really appreciated. The apostle Paul said that we are to excel in the grace of giving, and that's exactly what you did. THANK YOU Greg for your testimony. So glad your testimony has legs!
Blessings, Beth

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