Thankful Thursday, 33 reasons to be thankful

I could come up with a personal list of things that I am thankful for but with the events of yesterday in Chile, they all seem so small. I watched some of the rescue and it took my breath away. This Thursday I just want to say Thank you God for returning these men to their families. I loved what one of the miners said when he reached the top: He said that God and the devil were both down there with him and he had a choice to make. Then he held up his bible and said Thank you God.

Have a great day,



BTW, the Linky seems to be missing.
Heart2Heart said…

What a great post for today's Thankful Thursday! I too am so grateful that God showed the world His miracle of what can happen to those that believe in Him.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Heidi said…
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full" John 10:10 There is nothing greater than this. Amen Greg.
Wanda said…
I was glued to the TV for that rescue. Wonderful.. Another young man said there were 34 of us down there... The Lord was with us!
Carmen said…
That was really something, wasn't it? Good post!

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