Thankful Thursday, What happened to fall?

Well somehow we went straight from summer to winter. This past week, we had temperatures in the low 30's and it is only the beginning of November. I guess it must be global warming. Anyway I had an awesome week and I have a lot to be thankful for so let me get right to it.
This past weekend I made the trip down to Florida to see my mother. I heard she wasn't doing well so I wanted to visit her. I am happy to say that she is doing better than I expected and that she recognized me. I was afraid that she wouldn't. We had a good visit and the trip went well but you know what they say, there is no place like home.
I am also thankful that I finally got the transmission out of my wife's car. This has been an ongoing project and I have made it to the halfway point.
I am thankful for farm fresh eggs. Our little hens are laying now and we are getting three eggs a day. They are great too and so much better than the ones you get in the store.
I am thankful for a lower electric bill. This cooler weather has allowed us to turn off the AC and our electric bills are much lower than usual.
I am thankful that Thanksgiving us just around the corner. We are planning on keeping it simple this year but I will be having my turkey and stuffing.
Have a great day and please join me in being Thankful,
I am also looking forward to Thanksgiving. Need to lose a few pounds, because I am sure to gain a few that week! ha!