Happy Holidays...Thankful Thursday

This weeks list is an easy one. I have so much to be thankful for that I could write a book. But since it is 43o AM I will stick with just 5.
I am thankful for free firewood. We (mostly my wife) spent the summer gathering wood for the winter and now we are nice and toasty even though it is 36 outside. The greenhouse is warm too.
I am thankful that I live in the country. While heading out to put wood in the greenhouse stove about 30 minutes ago, I opened the front door to find two deer standing 30 feet from me. They ran off as I went outside but they stayed in the yard off at a distance and kept an eye on me.
I am thankful for a great opportunity to raise money for needy children. The spaghetti dinner went well and we ended up with enough money to buy a lot of toys to go along with the Christmas food baskets. Now I get to go shopping. I love seeing the look on the checkout girl's face when I wheel in two carts full of toys.
I am thankful for earlybird specials on black Friday. I think the best deal we got was New Balance tennis shoes for get this: $14 dollars each. That's a big ho ho ho.
I am thankful that we had a wonderful Thanksgiving and it was peaceful with no arguing and the weather was nice enough so we were able to eat outside on the deck.
Have a Thankful day, and please join me in giving thanks.
I like your Thankfuls, one of mine is about firewood and a warm house too!!! We're the lucky ones twice over, once to to warm, and twice to appreciate it!
How fun to take two carts of toys to the cashier.... God Bless you, Greg.
My daughter, Jill that lives in Gold Beach Oregon, sees deer in her back yard too. How nice is that. She had a momma deer and two babies that come back every morning for apples they leave out. They named the mother Daisy and the two fawns Bubble and Gum!
That's getting personal when you name deers. HaHa.