Thankful Thursday, Late again

Well I am just now getting to my Thankful Thursday post. I know I am late. I got up this morning a little late and I thought about rushing and getting a post out but then I thought to myself; is anyone even reading these posts? I know I have a few faithful followers but I only knew of two or three. So I went to work and at work all of a sudden I got an email from my sister asking me if everything was ok. She then asked where my TT post was. Hmmm I never knew she wingas reading them. So I guess more people are reading them than comment so I apologize for being slack this morning. And here is my Thankful Thursday list:

First off I am very thankful for having 4 full days from work. That's a big whoooo hoooo. (not whoot whoot since I am banned from saying that) Now that isn't saying anything bad against work I just need some time to unwind and recharge my batteries.

I am thankful that Christmas is just two days away. I can't wait. I have the ham ready to bake.

I am thankful That 2010 is just about over. This wasn't the best of years for me but it is behind me now and I am looking forward to a good year.

I am so thankful that I am more mature than some people I know. I can't mention any names here but if they were to read my blog they would know.

I am thankful that we still have plenty of fire wood. We have been burning it like crazy but it looks like we have enough.

Please join me in being thankful,


Rusty said…
And may you have a very joyful Christmas Greg. ATB! (Means All The Best). :) Rob P.
Wanda said…
Hi Greg.... I will remain one of your faithfuls.

I too have much to be thankful for and looking forward to Christmas. All the family will be together again, and that's about 23 of us, so we'll have turkey and ham. I'll bet yours is delicious.

Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family...from our family to yours.
Love and Hugs
Beth Herring said…
Hey buddy - didn't see your post this morning so i didn't link up! thought you may be skipping it - so sorry! i always love TT.

I pray that you will have an amazing Christmas and the God will just blow you away with His presence!

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