Thankful Thursday. I blame it on old age.

Have you ever been just sitting around relaxing and all of a sudden you get the feeling that you are forgetting something or that you have forgotten something. Well such is the case with me and it is getting more and more frequent. Just a few minutes ago I was sitting here letting my mind wander and I thought mmmmm tomorrow is Friday. And that's when it hit me. If tomorrow is Friday then today is Thursday and that means Thankful Thursday and its evening and I haven't posted yet. Now don't give me that look. You know the look I Mean:

But fear not because it is still Thursday and the kids are busy so I get to use the computer and do my post.
This week I am very thankful for quiet time. I really enjoy my quiet time because it gives me a chance to think and reflect. Last weekend it was very quiet and peaceful around our house so I took some bird photos. Unfortunately there were no birds to be found so I had to give it some time and they finally came back. I think I know why they left.
No birds there.

None here

Here is one, wait thats not a real bird

I think I know why they left

I am very thankful that we have lots of birds where we live. It always reminds me of the passage about not worrying because the birds in the sky don't worry and God takes care of them. We should get an honorable mention here because we spend a fortune on bird food.

I am thankful that my diet is still going well. I didn't lose as much this week as last but I still lost and that makes me happy and thankful.
I am thankful that my BIL is again recovering. He went back to the ER for a few days but he is supposed to come home tomorrow. Just a touch of pneumonia I hear.
And finally last but certainly not least. I am thankful for my family who takes care of things around the house while I am off bringing home the bacon. Man some bacon sounds good right now. No no I am on a diet.
Have a great Thankful Thursday
I really need to get back on my healthy eating are an encouragment. So I better set some short term goals and get going.
I love me some quiet time too my friend! ha!
Have a great day tomorrow - Beth
Here's my post: