Thankful Thursday, "Just Enough"

Wow Thursday already. Another week has come and gone. (Thursday to Thursday that is)
I wasn't sure if I would be able to write this morning because my computer was acting up when I first turned it on and I had to track down the bad file before I could continue. I am not sure where this google file is coming from but I am going to keep an eye out for it now.

It was a good week for me. I didn't get everything that I wanted but I did get everything that I needed. I had enough troubles to keep me trying but enough successes to keep me smiling. I had more good times than bad and although nothing jumps out as spectacular for me this week I am still healthy and happy and that's enough to say: Thank you God for all you have given me. I know I will never be rich and famous but I do think I make a difference in at least a few people's lives.

Have a great day,


Heckety said…
I really appreciate what you wrote here- enough troubles to keep me trying but successes to keep me smiling- I'll remember that, its very, very true of life in general, don't you think?

I'm trying to get back into the way of joining you!
Heckety said…
I have just taken part of your post and put it in my side bar attributing it to you, and with a link bak to here because I think it is so perfect. But if you want me to remove it please say?
The Bug said…
Here's mine - it's kind of a back-handed thankfullness post because I'm sick & not really feeling all that thankful at the moment :(
jamiely78 said…
I love how you always seem to find the positive.

Take care!
Wanda said…
I certainly do know you make a difference in peoples lives... I am a recipient of your goodness.

Our Pastor is doing a series on "Good Deeds" and it makes me think of you.
Debbie said…
That point about getting everything I need but maybe not everything I want is one I need to keep in the front of my little brain!
Bekah said…
Stopping by via Bug. I just read a book about having "enough", and it really resonated with me. I'm re-posting this on Facebook!
Beth Herring said…
love this!

sorry I couldn't join in, but i was in Nicaragua and didn't have any internet service!
Pamela said…
"I had enough troubles to keep me trying but enough successes to keep me smiling."

I like that.

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