Spring is here

It's officially spring now per the calendar and also per Mother Nature. I woke up this morning to the sound of rain on the roof and some relief from all this pollen. As much as I love spring, I also dislike the way my allergies make me feel. But as I said this morning I have some relief and I am loving this slightly cooler weather and rain. I think it is going to be a great Sunday.

I spent my Saturday working in the yard and making bluebird houses. In order to stay outside I have to wear a dust mask but at least I can go out. I just hope I don't get tanned with a little white mouth. That would look strange. Anyway, I had a great day and I have some photos to share.

Have a great Sunday,


The Bug said…
Beautiful pictures! My dad wears a dust mask to mow (he lives in NC & sometimes it can be kind of dry).
Susan said…
I am beyon jealous of those florals. I'm just beginning to get sight of the grass up here but it's still brownish from the melting snow. The pink flowers are so lovely, I intend to purchase some pink ones for my balcony this summer (if summer ever arrives!!)

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