Thankful Thursday, yes I am back.

I may not be able to post every Thursday or every week for that matter but I have decided to keep my blog alive and post when I can. Funny thing though, now that I "quit blogging because I didn't have the time" I have had more time to blog. Go figure.

So today I am thankful that I am still blogging. I do love it and I am thankful that I still have some followers.

And I am also thankful that yesterday I got over my fear and gave blood. Not just one pint but two. They have this new thing where if your red blood count is high, they can take two pints and put back some of the other fluids. It made me feel good to give again since I used to do it all the time.

I have also taken over the United Way campaign where I work and I am still raising money for the Good Neighbor Fund. In addition I will be helping someone else at work raise money for the Heart Fund. I guess I am just in a giving mood and I am thankful for that.

And finally, I am thankful for my youngest son who keeps me on his toes. Today is his birthday and he is turning 14. Where does the time go?

Have a Blessed day,


The Bug said…
Yay - good to see you back! I'm doing links on my blog on Thursdays if you want to link up...

I can't give blood anymore - apparently there's some new strain of HIV that they don't test for & one of the countries where it's been found is Zambia, where I spent 18 months in the 80s. So for the foreseeable future I'll be on the sidelines. It's tough - I'm O+.
Beth Herring said…
welcome back - for now! ha!

happy birthday to your precious son -

love to you Greg!
Wanda said…
Welcome back....makes me happy. I almost felt like quiting this week. Our daughter has been so sick and in the hospital with kidney stones ~ So I've been playing "momma" and picking up kids at school, and fixing dinners, and homework (Yuck) My 12 year old grandson is smarter than me by far!!!!

Being part of something that gives instead of takes is a good thing. You are a giver... You are a blessing.

Wow 2 pints...that's great. One of our daughters produces lots of plalets so she donates plalets quite often.

Love and Hugs
Glad your back.
Jewel said…
Glad to see you back...

I wish I could still donate blood. I've been too many places - namely an AIDS-infested area of Africa - and no one in America will take it. So I like to donate blood when I'm overseas.
Debbie said…
My youngest turned 14 this week as well. If you figure out where the time went, please tell me!

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