Thankful Thursday I'm glad I feel bad

Well since I was late last week I am going to be early this week. Ok truth is I am at the library and I won't have another chance to write so here goes.

Unlike a lot of people I know, when I do something that I know in my heart is wrong, I feel bad about it. Like when I arugue with someone, or when I tell a little fib or when I simply take the easy way out of a situation. Lately I have had to deal with a lot of difficult people and I let my guard down and went down to their level. But unlike them, I felt bad about it and hope and pray I don't do it again.

So today's Thankful Thursday is a simple one; I am Thankful that I have that little voice inside my head that scolds me when I take the wrong road. And I do take it from time to time no matter how hard I try. But I do keep trying.

Have a great day,


Wanda said…
Boy am I glad too, for that little voice in my head...

Hope your week turns out to be a great one.
Susan said…
That little voice is something too many people lack nowadays. I'm thankful that some of us pay attention to it!

Have a great day and don't let anyone drag you down to their level.

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