In case you are wondering....

Yes I am still alive. I wish I could say that I am doing well but the truth is I am still struggling. It has been one thing after another in my life and to tell the truth I am getting pretty tired of it. When I get one thing behind me there are two more in front of me taking its place. At this rate I will never get caught up. You name it, it has broken on me lately.

They say that when life gets this tough, God is testing you and making you stronger for something big. It must be something really big is all I have to say. My wife and I were laughing about this last night. Yes we can still laugh about it because we know that things can always get worse or be worse. I know it is only a phase we are going through or at least I hope so but just in case I am saving up wood and nails to build a very big boat for when the flood comes. :)

I will return and write again soon I promise.

Have a great day,


Wanda said…
Of course I was wondering.....

I see you from time to time on facebook, but long to read more and want to see that spark of humor that kept me laughting.

Sorry you are in the valley right now, but soon you will pass into the mountain beauty and look back on this dry spell. Don't know why life is like that....but it is so hang in there, and keep laughing with your wife, hold her tight and love your kids cause that's all we have sometimes.

Love ya Greg...praying for a "Break Though" for you...
Beth Herring said…
greg - you can make it! God is right there with you and you can just stomp the ole devil right under your feet! We are overcomers in Christ!!
Yay you blogged ;)

Sorry life is being difficult right now. I think this is the summer for things breaking. Our pool pump just bit the dust and it seems half of my neighbors AC's and cars are breaking. The devil must be working overtime, to bad he won't win ;)

Let me know when that boat is done :)

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