Thankful Thursday

You know I have said it before and I will say it again. I could sit here pouting and complaining about all the things that have gone wrong today, this week, this month and this year but I'm not going to do it. I still have a choice and my choice is to be thankful for the little things in life.

Take this afternoon for example. My chipper shreader needs repairs so I spent the entire afternoon, from the moment I got home until it was dark working on it. So what could be the positive side of this? Well just before I began working, I put a pile of pears from my tree out back by the woods. About a half hour later, I saw something brown out there. Ok I didn't have my glasses on which is why I only saw something brown. I picked up my binoculars and guess what I saw? A good sized doe with twin fawns. About a half hour passed and they were joined by another doe and then by a buck. All in my back yard. Take that city folks. :)

No it didn't help me fix the chipper shreader but it did make me feel good seeing the deer in the yard. I am so thankful that I live in the country where I can see God's creatures like that.

Have a great day,


Wanda said…
Hi Greg.. I would be thankful to see deer and fawns in my back yard too. Our daughter that lives in Brooking OR gets to see deer in her back yard too.

Sorry, I haven't visited for a while. Having some of my own medical issues...gall stones. I tell you pain really motivates you, so I'm changed my eating habits drastically, and on a excertise program at the YMCA and have dropped 22 pounds and feel great. Just hope this new lifestyle will keep me from having surgery. Have a doctors appt. tomorrow to discuss my options.

Have a great weekend.
Beth Herring said…
i just love that YOU love GOd's creatures so much! I also look at a deer in amazement, not while drooling about putting gravy on him! ha!

love you Greg!

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