Thankful Thursday, In the beginning

Wow, that week went by fast. It has been a great week and I have a lot to be thankful for. Lots of things are going well for me. I labeled this post as In the beginning because I have started reading the Bible again from cover to cover. As you recall, the last time I did this was about three years ago. That was the first time that I read the entire Bible from cover to cover. This time I am reading it slower and trying to understand more. So far, I have more questions than answers. And for that I am thankful. Have a great day, Greg


Wanda said…
Hi Greg... That's great. I am reading the One Year Bible this Year. Each day you read a passage from O.T. the N.T. Psalms and Proverbs. We're in Judges right now. Yeah a woman Judge, Deborah, and she was a good one!!!!
Linda said…
Hi Greg, that is wonderful. You have a great blog. Greetings from Montreal, Canada.

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