I'm baaaaaack. After a long time away I have decided to start blogging again. So much has happened that I am not sure where to start but let me just say that life has been amazing. There have been many ups and downs in my life but mostly ups. I am looking forward to blogging again and telling more about my life.
My new blog
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Well I tried to go to Wordpress but I found it too difficult so I decided to do my new blog on blogger. I already know what to do here so it made the transition easy. My new blog is at http://reflectionsofgreg.blogspot.com/ I invite all my old blog friends to go there and join me in this new venture. Some of my posts will be quite personal so be prepared to find out more about me than you ever imagined. I hope you enjoy the ride. Have a great day, Greg
Almost the end
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Well this will be my next to the last post on this blog. For those that have followed me, I thank you for all your support. But it is time for a change of direction and along with that I am going to start a new blog. I am looking at a new venue for my blog though so good bye Blogger.com. A lot is happening in my life these days and it is all good. I think it is time to put the past behind me and look to the future. I have learned to accept the past for what it is and to quit trying to hide from it. It is what it is and nothing I can do will ever change that. I can however learn to deal with it and go on with my life. For those that have helped me through some difficult times I say thank you. And for those that are interested, my next and last post on here will be a link to my new blog. I will caution you though, my new blog will be totally from the heart and the truth may not be so pretty but it will set me free. Have a great day, Greg
Let’s just face it, I am a happy person.
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I’ve said it before and I will say it again, being happy is a choice. You can go through life looking at everything with a negative attitude or you can be positive about things. It is sort of like the glass is half empty or half full. It is the same glass with the same amount of liquid in it, but different people look at it from different angles. And what about a glass that is one quarter full? You can say you only have a quarter cup of water or you can be happy that you have something. It’s not always easy in every situation but I do try to see the bright side. But here are a few things about people that tend to get me down. First off I don’t like liars. When someone can look you in the eyes and tell you a lie that says something about their total character. I recently caught someone telling me a lie. What really hurts is that I liked this person and trusted them. I thought they were straight with me and that they respected me. Obviously I was wrong about them. I found out about ...
Why haven't you written?
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I often ask myself that question in reference to this blog. Well to tell the truth I have written. I have started writing posts almost daily. Sometimes it is a rant, other times it is a heartfelt story and yet other times I just write to be writing. But the truth is I seldom finish what I started. Either what I was thinking just doesn’t look good in print or I run out of time and just go on to another subject. This year I had two things on my bucket list. I wanted to get my CWP and I wanted to take an art class. Well I am happy to say that it is only February and I have already taken an art class and the CWP class. CWP stands for concealed weapons permit. Now all I have to do is wait on the paperwork and I will have my license. So now what do I do for the rest of the year? Tonight I am taking another art class. I actually bought two classes with a groupon but even if I hadn’t, I enjoyed the first class so much that I would have signed up for a second one. And me liking it has not...
Hey Grandma, what’s for breakfast?
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Several years ago I posted about the classic Hee-Haw skit; “Hey grandpa what’s for supper?” I got to thinking how ironic that statement is for me because I only remember one of my grandpa's and that memory isn’t a very good one. Truth is he never made dinner for us. Truth is he didn’t cook, he only drank. And that is the only memory that I have of him. I can barely even remember when he died. The funny thing is that the original post is one of the biggest feeds into my blog. It is amazing how many people search for that phrase and one of the links takes them here. My grandmother’s did cook though and they were both great cooks. My grandmother Lottie not only cooked for her family, she also used to be a cook for Ormond Elementary School. It was Corbin Avenue Elementary at the time. She also drove the bus for the school. She would get up, fix breakfast for her children and get them ready for school, then drive the school bus, fix lunch for the school children, drive the kids back...
Thankful Thursday, I have no intention…….
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On the last day of 2012, I took a Yoga class. I knew it would be a great way to end the year and it was. During the class just like in most classes the leader suggested that we set an intention. For those that don’t take yoga, what this means is that you pick an object or thought to focus on during the class. It can be an object like a flower or a bird or something less concrete like love or peace. In this class we were told to try and think of an intention to set our focus for 2013. Try as I may, I just couldn’t come up with just one thing. All kinds of ideas were popping into my head for what I want to accomplish in 2013 but there was no common theme to focus on. As in the past, I do want to lose weight this year. I want to get in shape. I want to become healthier by eating better, drinking less, exercising more and minimizing the stress in my life. I would like to do more volunteer work, help others more, and reach out to those in need. I would like to make some new friends and ...