Sticks and Stones

The other night we were discussing some of the problems in the world and how PE "O" wasn't going to be able so solve some of them. My youngest son walked in and upon hearing some of the things we were discussing said; "We were talking about the dark ages too in school today." Now my mind was still thinking present time and the PE and I quickly put two and two together and came up with five so I responded; "What did you say young man? " He said; "We are studying the dark ages in school. Isn't that what you were talking about?" Is that egg on my face?

Well to tell the truth I have always been gullable and thoughout my youth I was the brunt of many a cruel joke. That happened throughout my preteen years so that when I reached my teens I had such a inferiority complex that I crawled inside my shell. It wasn't until I went to my class reunion that I realized that I let a few bad people change my whole life. While at the reunion, several "it" girls approached me and said that they had always liked me but since I never spoke to them they assumed that I didn't like them. But that's water under the bridge and I am very happy where I am today.

I really don't know why so many kids picked on me when I was young. I guess because it made them feel big. I saw a few of those people at my reunion and you know they were still small people and still trying to make themselves feel bigger. So tell me. Would you pick on a kid that looked like this? Ok put down that spitball this instant. I am shocked.

Have a great day,



Another thing we have in common, I was also picked on in was a rough thing to endure. Granted, now that I am an adult, it is so water under the bridge!!

Thanks BFF for giving me a shout out!! I have been a tad stresed about the mission trip. Last night Hubby decided to go, so that's extra $$. Of course, I am handing it over to God, and of course all my friends!! :)

Hopefuly between everyone, we can think of a great way fundraise some $$!!
Monogram Queen said…
You were cute as a button, Greg! I would have been passing notes "I like you, do you like me? Check yes or no!" LOL

(I was THAT kind of little girl, boy crazy from Kindergarten on!)
Kelly said…
Aww, aren't you precious? I was one of the picked on kids too, I didn't come out of my shell until I was about 24. Sad, really. But I can say that now..."I like me, I really like me." And that is a good thing!

(Which by the way, I like you too).
Awww, Greg, I would never have picked on you. That is a mighty fine picture, I must say! It saddens me that a few miserable kids can affect another person like that for so long. Thank God that He sets us free from all that!
Scarlet said…
Aw, what a cute kid. I would've helped you crack out of your shell.

Btw, I hope our 25-yr. high school reunion is not a disappointment. I hope the cliques are gone and everyone can kick back and be real with each other.
Is that you? Adorable! No, I would not have picked on you. I wasn't an "it" girl. I had plenty of friends and played sports. We would have gotten you talking.
Sharon said…
Yep I was picked on too in school, That really is a cute picture of you!! Kids sure can be mean huh!
But I have to say I have seen the ones that picked on me, But after seeing and talking with a few, I came out better than they did.
I like me very much!
Have a blessed day
Marjie said…
I was painfully shy as a kid, and my parents having moved so that I was in 12 different schools before high school didn't help. I wore a really hot silver and brown dress for my 20th HS reunion, and guys who would never have talked to me were drooling. Yes, I got to a better place because of it, too.
The best revenge is a good life, although I know revenge isn't a Christ-like value. I don't mean a spiteful revenge. I'm talking about resiliency. I'm sure you credit Christ in you for your resiliency. And yes, that was a cute pic.
Edie said…
No spitballs here. I wouldn't pick on you or any other kid (or adult for that matter). Some people need to push others down in order to feel big. It's an insecurity issue. It sounds like they are still dealing with it.

I got picked on a lot in school too. Mainly in my Jr High days. I tend to be an advocate for the underdog because of it. One reason I love Jesus so much, He chose the misfits of this world. (Not you, me.) :)

Cute picture! You could have been on Leave it to Beaver or Father Knows Best! :D
Edie said…
Oh wait! He chose you too. I meant I wasn't calling you a misfit. Oh dear, foot stuck in mouth and I can't get it out!
Skoots1moM said…
i remember when boys wore tshirts --so put together ... i miss seeing little guys with those...
you remind me of a boy in my 6th grade class
great smile!
Becky said…
I wouldn't shoot a spitball at ya ... I might have offered you half of my twinkie. ;-)
Heaven said…
You were a cute kid:)
sara said…
My daughter was picked on horribly in school. I found that it had nothing to do with how she looked or what she wore, it had everything to do with confidence or a lack there of in the bully.

I wouldn't have bullied you, but I do think I would have sent a spit ball your way....that was mine and my brothers favorite game.....hide and seek spit ball wars!!
Jeannie said…
I never picked on anyone so I would definitely not pick on you. In fact, my best friend (who was on the verges of the most popular or coolest group) made it our ministry of sorts to talk to the shy, quiet types and make them our friends. I have to say here that our schools were quite different than most I think, in that our popular kids were very nice as well as attractive. I was not popular but I was never tormented or snubbed.
I would never shoot a spitball at that cute little kid. Aren't you glad that we all grow up and the things we endured as children made us strong and made us who we are today.
Jamie Dawn said…
Awwww, you shouldn't have been picked on.
I have no patience for bullies.
Kids who are mean really make me angry.
Kim said…
Aww...what a cute kid you were! :) I was a very awkward girl...but I have gotten much better with age....or at least I've been told. :)

I was always everyone's friend in school...the quiet, compliant child. LOL! I'm sure there was bullying, but I don't remember anything specific. We were a pretty close-knit class....of 56.
My ADHD Me said…
Kids can be SO mean. Yes, I was picked on too. the guy behind me used to pretend that people lived in my hair....actually there was someone living in my hair...SO THERE!!
(boy, that would have surprised him)
ChrisJ said…
Oh Greg! As a school teacher of some forty years I know all about kids being picked on. Kids don't have to have a reason. It's all about the picker's ego and the pickeree suffers. (Good words for a school teacher, huh?) Nothing and I do mean nothing, makes me so angry as to see a kid being picked on. It's ugliness inside that just seems to have to come out. I just flat out didn't allow it at my school, but then we were small enough that we could keep it fairly well under control. Oh but it's NASTY.
Angie said…
Add another awww...for me. Things never are the way they seem are they? We can even get trapped in that mentality today on different levels. Question is, are we going to listen to what others say about us or are we going to believe what God says to us in His word...We are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Marla said…
I wasn't picked on, but we had lots of clicks. I had a daughter who was brutally picked on and as a result she developed a school phobia among other issues which still effects her today! Kids can be so cruel. By the way, I think that you were a cute little guy!
sandy said…
I was picked on too, in my neighborhood. When it came to picking teams for baseball in the street, all the guys wanted my sis because she was a tomboy and I was always left out ...standing there all pitiful...

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