Sticks and Stones
The other night we were discussing some of the problems in the world and how PE "O" wasn't going to be able so solve some of them. My youngest son walked in and upon hearing some of the things we were discussing said; "We were talking about the dark ages too in school today." Now my mind was still thinking present time and the PE and I quickly put two and two together and came up with five so I responded; "What did you say young man? " He said; "We are studying the dark ages in school. Isn't that what you were talking about?" Is that egg on my face?
Well to tell the truth I have always been gullable and thoughout my youth I was the brunt of many a cruel joke. That happened throughout my preteen years so that when I reached my teens I had such a inferiority complex that I crawled inside my shell. It wasn't until I went to my class reunion that I realized that I let a few bad people change my whole life. While at the reunion, several "it" girls approached me and said that they had always liked me but since I never spoke to them they assumed that I didn't like them. But that's water under the bridge and I am very happy where I am today.
I really don't know why so many kids picked on me when I was young. I guess because it made them feel big. I saw a few of those people at my reunion and you know they were still small people and still trying to make themselves feel bigger. So tell me. Would you pick on a kid that looked like this? Ok put down that spitball this instant. I am shocked.
Have a great day,
Thanks BFF for giving me a shout out!! I have been a tad stresed about the mission trip. Last night Hubby decided to go, so that's extra $$. Of course, I am handing it over to God, and of course all my friends!! :)
Hopefuly between everyone, we can think of a great way fundraise some $$!!
(I was THAT kind of little girl, boy crazy from Kindergarten on!)
(Which by the way, I like you too).
Btw, I hope our 25-yr. high school reunion is not a disappointment. I hope the cliques are gone and everyone can kick back and be real with each other.
But I have to say I have seen the ones that picked on me, But after seeing and talking with a few, I came out better than they did.
I like me very much!
Have a blessed day
I got picked on a lot in school too. Mainly in my Jr High days. I tend to be an advocate for the underdog because of it. One reason I love Jesus so much, He chose the misfits of this world. (Not you, me.) :)
Cute picture! You could have been on Leave it to Beaver or Father Knows Best! :D
you remind me of a boy in my 6th grade class
great smile!
I wouldn't have bullied you, but I do think I would have sent a spit ball your way....that was mine and my brothers favorite game.....hide and seek spit ball wars!!
I have no patience for bullies.
Kids who are mean really make me angry.
I was always everyone's friend in school...the quiet, compliant child. LOL! I'm sure there was bullying, but I don't remember anything specific. We were a pretty close-knit class....of 56.
(boy, that would have surprised him)