Thankful Thursday, looking for that silver lining.

It may not seem like things are getting better for me but they are. If you judge only by the frequency of my posts you may get a different impression. Yes I am still very busy with everything from work to special projects but I am slowly but surely getting things done. Every day I check another thing or two off my list of "things to do today". I really doubt if there will be a time that I have no list but that is ok too. God's plan for me isn't to be a loafer.

This week I am thankful for a bunch of things but I will only list 5.

1. Fresh veggies from my garden. This week I picked squash and cucumbers. I have peppers about ready to pick and my zucchini is just about ready too. Tomatoes aren’t that far off.

2. A totally awesome concert by my middle schooler. The new band director they got this year is outstanding and is really doing a great job working with all the kids.

3. I am thankful for another great day at the market this past weekend. They were calling for rain but it held off and we ended up having a great day.

4. And speaking of rain we got some nice rain earlier this week. We (my wife) have been having to water all day long and that rain gave my well a break. I am always thankful for rain.

5. Finally I am thankful for my thankful attitude. With all the troubles and worries in this world, God has given me the ability to see the silver lining in almost everything. Sometimes it takes me a while but I can usually find it. Many people that I work with like to focus on the clouds and refuse to look for that silver lining. Every morning I am met with a room full of pouting people and I do my best to cheer them up. This morning I decided to start putting happy quotes on my morning report. This morning it was; “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln said that. At the end of the meeting we got into a discussion about why I put that on the report and someone piped up and said; He got shot, how happy is that?

Oh well I tied. Please join me in being thankful this week. I am sure you have something to be thankful for. How about life itself.

Have a great day,



Wanda said…
Another great Thankful Thursday.

I see the silver lining too... It's so much better than the alternative.

Yummy fresh veggies....

Know your band concert was the best...cause you son is in it!!

Love and Hugs
Kelly said…
I haven't been posting much either, but I always look forward to your posts and your great attitude.

:-) Have a great weekend!
Sandy said…
Wish I had your garden, but I'm not coveting, lol. . .I am very thankful, too! I have always liked that quote by Abraham Lincoln, too! Thank YOU so much for hosting Thankful Thursdays!
Beth Herring said…
So glad that things are looking up - God has a way of just swooping down and ministering to our spirits when we need it so badly!

I am praying for you Greg and for your family.

Thanks for doing this yet another week.

love to you - Beth
Heckety said…
He may have got shot, but he wrote it before that, der!Honestly, I think people like being grumpy and negative because they're just too darn lazy to work their face muscles to smile. And I'm with you on the 'Thankful Attitude'- its not a gift for me, its something I have to work on, but working on it is NOT AN OPTION.

And that's my considered opinion!!
Monogram Queen said…
Always good to read about Thankful... I am thankful to have my health even though I feel like crap today I know it's in passing.

I did yard work for my MIL instead of shopping so I didn't make it to the Market as you well know.
I gave you an award today Mr. Greg ;) Oh my lilies are doing awesome.
Terri Tiffany said…
Great list. I'm thankful for so much! But you list them so much better:)
Mine said…
Hello Greg! We've been visiting your blog and love too. cool. we love pictures. Very beautiful. It shows very good taste. Sorry for bad English. We are Brazilian and we do not speak English. We also have a blog, I would like to visit? We will be very happy to have their presence there. We are already following his blog. We hope your visit.
Heart2Heart said…

Please help me spread the word of a sister in Christ who so desperately needs help with a limited amount of time left.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

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